Tucker Carlson called Michael Avenatti a “creepy porn lawyer” over and over on the chyron of his show
Tucker Carlson called Michael Avenatti a “creepy porn lawyer” over and over on the chyron of his show
The really nice thing about the deal is that it include a civil forfeiture of some $20M, which can’t be reversed by, oh, say, a Presidential pardon...
I think Apple’s just trying to troll Trump with the extra big phones.
The SE is dead as of yesterday
Agreed with you on points 1, 3, 4, and 5, but “I (heart) Boobies” bracelets are a promo item for a breast cancer awareness charity (www.keep-a-breast.org) aimed at young people, so not entirely nefarious. Of course, I don’t know if these were being worn by teenage boys who got a kick out of the word “boobies” and…
Not often I disagree with the Salty Waitress, but today I do! Respectfully.
The question should have been “After waiting 3 hours for my food am I still required to tip 20% or is 15% suitable”.
If the service sucked, by all means write a Yelp review.
On the other hand, if you went to a restaurant and the service was awesome... write a Yelp review too.
It was a pretty good movie, but I don’t get why people went nuts over it. It wasn’t any better or worse than any other Marvel film, and personally, I found some of the character motivations downright silly. T’Chaka’s actions regarding Eric and his father make NO sense, given the hyper-secretive nature of Wakanda, and…
John Kasich is a piece of shit, but we now live in a world where both he and Omarosa may serve at least some positive purpose - nudging Trump closer and closer to his inevitable rage stroke.
“I was present at that wreath-laying, I don’t think I was actually involved in it.” YOU WERE THERE - YOU WERE INVOLVED. Jesus fucking H Christ; it’s bad enough that Corbyn can’t define antisemitism, but now he can’t remember if he was at a ceremony commemorating a group terrorists who committed one of the most public…
I was recently thinking it woudl be great if someone made small versions of these that people could hold on strings like regular balloons. Wouldn’t the sight of a cloud of helium filled little Trump Baby Balloons drifting over the White House as Trump speaks or over one of his golf courses as he plays golf be a sight…
Meh. MOOOM They’re making me feel sad! I don’t want to go to London!
72-years old and he never learned that people won’t always like you.
He doesn’t even realize how childish his reply was. He is so fucking stupid.
“U.S. government recently informed four migrant women that they would have to pay for DNA tests to confirm they are related to their children”
On Tuesday, more than 100 state and local elected officials from 20 states issued a joint statement calling for the…