Yep, that’s precisely how Hitler would’ve played this too. Get a state official like Goebbels.
Yep, that’s precisely how Hitler would’ve played this too. Get a state official like Goebbels.
“Trump is finally getting his Trump TV—financed by taxpayers to the tune of $800 million per year.”
The fact that he’s tweeting about pardoning himself shows he considers that a legit option. Bully tactic to tell Mueller and whoever that he’s above any measly laws. Totally cool with all the rightists who screamed about the socialist dictator Obama, amirite?
She was choking on her lies - not a tear in sight.
It’s amazing that lying schmucks like her even have working tear ducts.
Fuck you Sarah, and your boss too.
Is that the new fad amongst #MAGAtards? Pearl-clutching over “foul language”?
I mean, everything about this guy screams to me that he’s a horrible manipulative POS. So essentially, let get this straight: this guy has been unemployed for 5 out of the 6 years of their relationship, which means she’s been supporting both of them presumably (unless he’s a freakishly wealthy trust fund baby or…
“basically says he’s a horrible husband and yada yada”
This stands out to me. It’s really manipulative, and does exactly what he wants it to, make the conversation go no where. “Oh, I’m a bad person” is deliberate used to make you try to reassure him and feel bad for ‘causing’ him to feel that way.
If he’s going to play…
How sad is it that as much as you’re trying to exaggerate here, the Right still tops you? Lt. Gov Dan Patrick of Texas has already, in all sincerity, blamed the Santa Fe school shooting on... yep, ABORTION!
Have you ever been in a bathroom used only be a woman, let alone one with multiple women? They’re fucking disaster zones.
Arkansas: One place you can get an abortion... and thousands where you can get a gun. Because abortions are dangerous!
I didn’t know you continued having birthdays when you were undead.
In the U.S. he would have been detained shot by the time he got to the second story and character questioned endless on Fox News....
In the U.S. he would have been detained and the rescued child sent to foster care.
No loot boxes! We have cards that you can trade for items instead! You can buy a pack of cards for just $4.95!
French President Emmanuel Macron invited the young man to the Elysee Palace on Monday and presented him a certificate and a gold medal “for performing an act of courage and dedication,” according to CNN.
Amen, brother. Got to strap a gun to your hip and defend the nation against those dangerous dishwashers; against bright children keening for higher education; against the people who are, at this very moment, fixing your plumbing, tending your garden, and painting your home.
The problem is disproportionate coverage that creates the incorrect impression that semi-autonomous vehicles—and in particular Teslas—are inherently dangerous in and of themselves.