
No, it’s not. It’s not how guys talk to each other. It’s how insecure MMA-loving flat-billed hat wearing dudebros talk to each other. Most of us have read a book or talked with someone different from us or read two books and come to our conclusion that that sort of shit just isn’t funny.

It’s not how people talk. It’s something I have never done my entire life. And this comes from someone who used to refer to everything I didn’t like as gay until I graduated 8th grade. It may be how you talk.

My sample size here is 1, so take it for what it’s worth, but none of my friends and I ever used homophobia as a source of humor. Whether we didn’t find it funny, or were all cognizant of what it meant, or what, I don’t know, but there wasn’t any joking around with each other using gay slurs or whatnot. Sure, we’d rip

Just saying “That’s how guys talk” does not mean that it isn’t hurtful, cruel and shitty. It also does not make it an absolute truth in all times and in all spaces.

The insult as batter is really crappy way for friends to interact. It almost always creates a toxic dynamic in which members of the group get hurt but

People used to drop n-bombs in public.

A straight guy here. I’ve never talked like that. Just saying.

Swap “Dr. Faggot” with “Dr. N-word” and see how that joke, and your support of it, come across.

But it’s remarkable how much some people—Twitter eggs and Facebook uncles who bitch about their freedom of speech being corrupted because other people had the gall to exercise theirs—really want to hang onto their gay jokes.