But he's like the shittiest Ferrari.
Why do many folks blame the millionaire players instead of the billionaire owners?
Oh absolutely, and that matters because they’ll need a star to pair with SGA, who is quite good, before 2024, right? Some picks could easily be trade assets, too.
Most of the picks are thrown into the future. There’s just so many variables that will effect where a 2025 pick will land. Houston might be a lottery team! Miami could be in 2023! Or Pence will be president and basketball will be outlawed and Miami underwater.
It worked for Tom Brady.
Cricket! First, this match was fantastic (the whole tournament has been). Second, I can finally talk about this on something other than Reddit!
If you watch the tape in reverse, then you can see that the globe doesn’t have a shadow.
Some is buying those Alan Parsons Project records, right?
Or many other things.
Is he funny or something?
“the ‘tics”
They will. He's pretty good.
What’s Jose Mourinho up to?
Typo: ‘seasons’ not ‘reasons’ in second to last paragraph.
They’re not wrong, so no worries. That’s pretty much the point of the (often very challenging and bourgeois and good) band.
The three eyed raven can't see into the future.
I dont really know what Barstool is (sounds shitty!), but I enjoyed the article by pretending that Portnoy was Portnoy’s Complain Portnoy.
For some reason I’m very into clips of NBA players cussing out fans this season.