
I’m sorry that you felt pressure to stay closeted instead of being your true self. However, this headline is extremely misleading. Street Fighter didn’t keep you from being open about your bisexuality. Society’s mistreatment of bisexual people did. Sure, Street Fighter has bad representation of LGBT people, but that

That has nothing to do with gamer culture and everything to do with anonymity bringing out the worst in people.

You want to see gamer culture? Watch SGDQ this summer. Or RPG Limit Break just finished and is on Youtube. THAT’S gamer culture. When you strip away the anonymity, it’s people coming together to have fun. Is

If muslims dont eat bacon then they shouldnt get hunger pains by watching someone eat bacon, much less by hearing about someone eating bacon. Plus at the end of the day it is their choice to fast. If watching someone eat makes them hungry, maybe they shouldnt watch someone eat. 

Someone doesn’t know what a transphobe is. 

I was really on board with you from reading the Headline, but I wasn’t really concerned with those things you mentioned in the article. I just think she is a bad voice actor and gave a very bland performance. I think that’s more of valid reason for her to not be in MK. Cause it pertains to the game. Not the history of

“Support it but not participate” can mean “voting against ‘Right to Work’ legislation”, so it can mean more than nothing.

I mean, that’s the job they chose to have, isn’t it? They’re not being held at gunpoint to work on Fortnite.

Someone threw a raw crab at him.

I appreciate pointing out the hypocrisy at play here, but this is a flavor of hot take I’m really fucking tired of. Can a tragedy just be a tragedy? Do we always have to justify our emotional responses to stuff like this by comparing it to other tragedies or excuse it by giving some explicit personal or familial

Just to play devil’s advocate here - being that she’s from Russia, it’s possible that she doesn’t know what blackface is? It’s primarily an American concept.

Just cause someone gets offended, does not mean they are right. 

Judging a Lithuanian who wants to be a black hero by your own convoluted culture doesn’t seem just. And it’s flawed logic to say that it offended some black person somewhere and we shouldn’t offend anyone because it also offended some white supremacist or some religious wackadoo somewhere who thinks it’s disgusting to

I want to put some things in perspective when it comes to Steam’s various problems: Steam has over 100 million active accounts, 45 million active users per day. That’s greater than the population of many countries. How can you expect Steam, a company with fewer than 1000 employees, to react quickly to problems (to say

Now they get rid of it like everyone wanted but because they didn’t say the right words about why they removed it, you’re not totally happy with it? What gives? Pick one.

EA: *Lays off 150 more people*

If it’s 100% Anthem and not you, why did your squad mates get it loaded up so fast? Put Anthem on the SSD and try again. This complaint is invalid until then.

Who’s the best fictional cat? I vote for Dex-Starr, the common house cat turned evil rage filled Rage Lantern wearing cat from the Green Lantern comics.

It’s clear that the people making these videos are into a very specific, predominantly white, and almost always skinny version of women.

Not sure what frighteningly / terrifyingly accurate means in this situation, seeing as they’re fictional characters who live in other worlds far, far removed from the political memeing of this one, and this really only communicates the infatuation the author has with their own pseudo-intellectual sense of humor. Guess

He made more than I do in...