When did a symbol of catholicism become “white people art”?
When did a symbol of catholicism become “white people art”?
Nah, not feelin’ ya. Cussing doesn’t help your point either. NEXT!
Welp, this was neither worth the punishment, nor the coverage. Moving on.
How is life working out so far, with all those people telling you what to do and what to think? Must be pretty simple, not having a voice of your own.
Pation antici-.......?
We welcome said screenshots.
Why the jab at PC players? They don’t get to complain because console players had to deal with it for years? I guess we should all just sit here and let things happen.
Don’t come in here and lean-shame!
I hope it was worth it, whiterastaman.
I hear ya. It’s what we refer to as “being in the trenches” where I’m from.
Simple, yet genious.
Damn white people and their....*rolls dice*......emotions.
First, I thought my problem was them taking a classic movie and replacing the cast with women to somehow make a point about female power.
“Oh boy. I really hope this game has a gender select for the knight.”
Koshiro needs to be all over this. It just wont be the same without him.
Man, you make such a great argument there.
Reading type replies to what you just said and.....wow. These guys just don’t get it. But I guess saying “It’s shit, just do X and it will magically be better” is the thing now.
You. I like you.
That is so 2019, man.
“Hey....you know what.....lets just....TRY it!”