
Me too. God I loved that show. And the ending was so freaking fantastic.

I love seeing the Leftovers constantly get love by critics even though those idiots that give out award nominations never seem to like it.

Yeah I still absolutely love Game of Thrones, Veep and Stranger Things 2. I know people have complained a lot about GoT, but come on, the show has earned this. Also the production values are insane. And there are so many moments this season that are just fabulous (Tyrion/Cersei reunion, seriously where is Lena

I really liked alt-J’s album. I know it wasn’t a big hit here, but it was weird and eccentric in the best way possible.

Oh my god I totally forgot about Lady Gaga winning. That was a bad one. And wait... what the hell did Madonna win for? I didn’t even know this. That’s probably worse.

I mean this year has had Get Out, Logan, Lady Bird, Baby Driver, Thor, Wonder Woman, The Disaster Artist, I Tonya, and many more that I can’t remember. I don’t recall last year being that great. The only difference that this year, the ‘typical Oscar-bait movies’ aren’t the good movies of the year. The genre-styled

Honestly how the Good Place hasn’t gotten any nominations is just so goddamn baffling. Are the HFPA allergic to good comedies? And good performances?

I stopped taking the Globes seriously when the nominated ‘The Tourist’. Never have I been convinced more of the HFPA’s —as you guys put it so well — starfuckery.

Riverdale is just much better anyway. I love watching that show. It’s everything I’d want out of a campy, fun teen drama. Also that show has a good amount of self-awareness that I really enjoy. 13RW was so actively bad and what is worse that it tried being ‘deep and meaningful’ but came off as really really shallow.

Except that there were plenty of good movies. The HFPA is full of idiots who only want to suck up to the stars. The nominations aren’t good at all.

That’s the only place you can watch that garbage show anyway.

The Good Place not being nominated again is so disheartening. I think it’s the best comedy on Tv right now and has such a FRESH concept. Urgh.

That I agree with. It’s no longer a miniseries and shouldn’t be considered as one anymore.

They really do get old very fast. A lot of fans seem to think ratings fall if the ‘most popular’ couples aren’t together! Which is actually bullshit because history has shown that constant and unnecessary drama between the fan favourites almost guarantees a ratings fall. Just look at what happened to Arrow after

I agree. It’s so self-serving and narcissistic in a way that’s even more self-serving and narcissistic than award shows themselves.

Big Little Lies was an excellent show with some top notch performances. Laura Dern, Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley and Alexander Skarsgard all gave fantastic performances that deserve to be recognized. So I have no qualms with them being recognized.  

Wait nothing for Jake Gyllenhaal or Tatiana Maslany for Stronger? Umm what? And what is Battle of the Sexes doing in so many categories?

Oh I loved and still love the first two seasons of GG. They were pure guilty-pleasure, silly but kind of a wickedly satirical take on the absurdly rich. Then the show started to take itself toooo seriously and it stopped being the fun show it used to be. It regained some of it in the 4th season with the excellent

I really need to see a backstory episode about them. Been waiting since the 1st season.

I always felt Troian Bellisario was way too good for this show and I’m glad others agree with me. This is literally the same thing as Leighton Meester being way way way too good for Gossip Girl.