
Wait.. Ruffalo is a 9/11 truther? That’s really disappointing. I agree with him on almost all subjects and he does a good job when it comes to bringing about awareness, but this is so disappointing.

These drones of fangirls rant their fingers off en masse and suddenly the writers become scared to do their jobs correctly.

Yeah Jess was a really really great character. He had so much personality and frankly the only one of Rory’s boyfriends/love interests that had storylines outside of her. He had a full-fledged relationship with Luke. I agree that him coming back to Rory constantly was more out of the fact that apparently no man can

I disagree that his motivations weren’t explained. It was very well established that he was a kid that had been abandoned many times and had no one believe in him. Luke was literally the only person who took a chance on him and even he gave up. None of this validates Jess at his worst, but we know exactly where he was

That’s why Jess was so important to the show. He had the ability to be very direct (sometimes too harshly) to people. Initially it was born out of anger and teenage angst. But later, when he grew up, it was born out of concern. The fact that he questioned Rory about journalism and the fact that he was the one to get

Well the thing is though that we don’t see her doing anything to makeup for the lost time. Summer classes are not only expensive but time consuming. How did she manage to tack on an internship and be the editor of the Yale Daily News and hang out with wetball Logan? This was more of an all tell and no show situation.

Yes thank you! Teen shows are plagued with the writers need to appease shippers. And frankly, I hate it. PLL was an awful offender of that trope. Riverdale is a much much better show than that awful trainwreck. I hope the writers stick to their guns and not cave to fan service.

Not gonna lie, FP is legitimately my favourite character, along with Alice (helps that I’m so on board with the Alice/FP shipper train). I was so excited when he got upped to regular status and his lack of scenes in the beginning was dissapointing but it looks like he’s going to be on more and I’m excited!

Lorelai was completely in the right here. Rory is a spoilt entitled whiny brat that can’t take criticism and gave up a fucking YALE education and stole a boat. We’ve all been in situations where we’ve had our dreams crushed. I would know, I’ve been there atleast 15 times. It’s heartbreaking but holy shit, you don’t

Yeah dropping out of college because one person tells you you’re not cut out for a career in a particular field is the highest level of whiny entitlement ever. If I had a dollar every time someone told me I’m not cut out for something, or if I’m failing at something, I wouldn’t need to work so hard for my career. I

I agree that Mitchum was an asshole. There are better ways to tell interns about their performances. And it could be an ulterior motive on his part to steer Rory away from a career fulfilled life to one of being a housewife. However, he was spot-on with his analysis of her. She was not cut out for journalism. At all.

You’re completely right to feel that way. I’m excited to watch the second season though.

Not watch it.

That’s true. I remember when she reviewed the first season of the Leftovers. Holy god. The comment section reeeallly got back at her though, which was good but man it was crazy.

We really do. And that’s problematic and needs to change.

In two minds about this but mostly very excited because even though this show ended perfectly I fucking loved it. And I loved those characters and there is so much to explore! In the end, the murder mystery became the least interesting part anyway. I will definitely watch this!

Spot-fucking-on. Seriously. The change in this site’s editorial viewpoint and the new commentators they are attracting is just depressing.

I mean his infant son just went through heart surgery. I think it’s more than reasonable to give him time off. Besides he’s been doing this show for over a decade. And by the looks of it, he has a lot of A-list celebs willing to take over for him. So don’t really see a problem here

Ofcourse this is terrible. One company having a monopoly in an industry is fucking terrible. This is way bigger than seeing superheroes together. I really hope this doesn’t go through. It won’t do good for anyone.

Me too. She was literally the only good part about that show. And it all had to do with her acting and her crazy charm more than the writing... which was shit. She needs to be cast in some critically acclaimed indie movie or a miniseries or limited series to be recognized again!