
I completely agree on your analysis about the whole Archie/Veronica/Betty/Jughead situation. I loved Betty/Jughead in season 1, because like you said, they have natural chemistry. But yeah Jug joining the Serpents eventually made me bored of their relationship. I never cared about Archie/Veronica. There is literally

One of things I loved about the Potter movies was that the actors WEREN’T mainstream actors. They (adults mainly) were very talented (those accodales though) actors that were recognized but weren’t behemoths like Johnny Depp is (was?). Colin Farrell is also kind of mainstream but man he did such a good job. Why did

Good god. No one is saying she some ‘Messiah’. But if you bothered to read her book, which I’m sure you didn’t, you’d know that she took a lot of responsibility for the loss. But the election loss can’t be blamed all on her. There were MULTIPLE factors that played here... and like it or not, some of them were sexist.

I thought the actress who played Francesca did a good job though. Ofcourse, I’m one of the few people that really liked her storyline with Dev.

Knew this was going to happen... still not happy. Although seeing as this is the last season (crying) maybe it’s better that the wait is longer?! I don’t know. Basically I love this show and hate that it’s ending but also can’t wait to see how it ends.

Honestly I’ve been waiting for a Alice/FP reunion for a while. They have a clear back history and holy god the unresolved sexual tension..... So you know.... need to see more.

Lol yeah no clue about StarCraft. Although that would have more to do with me growing up in India, where I got into western pop culture only around ages 12-13

Uhh I wasn’t even talking about John Oliver here. I completely side with him in that case. And that’s completely different than an actress hijacking a panel from a non-celebrity, one who started the Me Too trend.

And The Leftovers!!! (Or it did)

Totally agreed about The Leftovers! You’d think critics choice would be better than the Emmys but nope. It was such a beautiful show that has been egregiously snubbed over and over again.

But it seems that he failed to comply to the ‘No Touching’ policy.

Her career tanked because of Harvey Weinstein. She stood up for herself and took the NDA and her career went to the toilet after. Most of the actresses that stood up to Harvey years before the expose, have had their careers ranked. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.

It’s not surprising but there is a time and a place for that. You don’t hijack important conversations and make them about yourself. Just saying.

Interesting. This actually makes me want to watch it more... seeing as it is from her perspective (one of perspectives atleast).

San Junipero was obviously fantastic but I also loved Nosedive. Man that episode truly scared me.

Yeah that’s probably true. There is no way Weinstein is winning this case, even if the judge who gave Brock Turner that ridiculous sentence was in the court hearings for this.

Why do you think I said ‘wishful thinking’? Also I know loads of lawyers. My grandfather is a lawyer. Half my extended family are lawyers, who married lawyers. My aunt is a lawyer. I have 5 friends studying to become lawyers too.

Nobody wants to represent him. This is just wishful thinking on my part but I feel like sometimes, a man who is as awful, disgusting and reprehensible... no matter how much money he has, can’t attract top lawyers. I feel like maybe their conscience trumps money..? Like I said wishful thinking.

I’m looking forward to this movie. I for one had no idea who Tonya Harding was (born in the mid-90’s and did not grow up in the States), but the trailer looks so good.

Yeah but one should know their limits. You can’t keep hogging the spotlight time and again.