
Urgh that’s so frustrating. Celebrities can be well-intentioned but man, their need to hog the spotlight is so god damn annoying. All aren’t like that though.

That’s the perfect description for her. Although I do like her songs a lot and i don’t think she’s a good songwriter. But yeah, otherwise spot on description.

I have a feeling that McGowan is just really broken. She’s finally getting a chance to unleash all her feelings after years of being kept silent and slut shamed and assaulted and she’s finally being heard. All those years of repression really screws with you and when you get a chance to unleash it, all that rage just

Tell me about it! I don’t want to diminish what she went through but you can’t use your same marketing technique (in this case, radio silence on social media) you use to promote your album and talk about a pressing matter like sexual assault. Putting her on the cover diminishes the women who actually fought for

I agree. I don’t hate Taylor in any way and I quite enjoy her songs but she shouldn’t be on the cover at all. Tell her story. Nothing wrong with that, but on the cover? No. All these other women have fought and lost their careers due to the rampant amount of harrasment/abuse they’ve suffered. They deserve to be on the

I mean he is quite popular. Taylor Swift just released her new music on Spotify... so her not being on the list makes sense. I know tons of people who absolutely love him (including me, although his latest album wasn’t my absolute favourite).

Just gross. It’s good to see these sick assholes get their commupance but wow... it’s two decades too late. The fact that any ‘open secret’ was allowed to be as such, is so sickening.

I agree. The acting on that show was out of this world. I’ve always liked Shailene as an actress (loved her in the descendants) but always felt that she was in the wrong stuff. I’m glad that she got to show off her acting skills in BLL and I was thrilled when she got nominated for an Emmy.

Kudos to John Oliver. Really. Men in much higher positions of power than him haven’t done anything like this (yet).. so I commend him for not only bringing up this topic to a veteran and universally beloved actor... but also not backing down when Hoffman started getting agitated and started fighting back (pathetically

I mean in what universe is she the ‘baddest bitch’? Come on.

Yup. Exactly. When a character does reprehensible things and the writers intend that character to come off as unlikeable, they make sure the audience knows that’s their intention. Either by having other characters call that character out or have the character suffer consequences. Rory didn’t go through any of that,

Logan, Dean, Jess, Marty, Paul and Tristan. They all fell head over heels for her. I get having multiple boyfriends but having every guy fall madly in love with her? What? That’s not even believable.

I don’t think she’s very versatile. She can play certain roles well, not all roles. Also acting depends on writing and directing as well. Also like mentioned here, this was her first acting role. But yeah in my opinion, her acting was the weakest link on this show but I wouldn’t call Alexis a bad actress. Because I

The thing that bothered me a lot about the show was it was all tell and no show with Rory. Everyone said she was smart by she really wasn’t. Everyone said she was a good person, a kind one, and well... she wasn’t. I hate that the show didn’t have someone point this exact thing out somewhere down the line. Which makes

I remember when I watched the show on Netflix, how much I needed these reviews. Especially to air my grievances about shitface Logan. It’s nice to have that now!

True! Although I did feel she was kinda off in the revival. That could be because it was probably hard for her to grasp the monster Rory had become.... which is totally understandable. But she was so good on Handmaid’s Tale. Her character on the show was in the one i was most invested in (well along with Elizabeth

The show wasn’t like that in the earlier seasons. In fact the show mocked and satirized the very wealthy (Emily, Madeline, Louise and even Paris). It’s the later seasons that have a weird love affair with the overtly privileged. Mostly privileged people who haven’t worked for the wealth, just inherited it.

Uhhh not necessarily. Alexis Bledel was very good on the Handmaid’s Tale. I do agree that she wasn’t able to grasp Rory completely. When she plays roles that play to her strengths (see: Handmaid’s Tale) she’s actually very good. GG didn’t.

The next two episodes are going to be brutal. Man did I want someone to tear down Rory so bad for being the ultimate spoilt asshole that she actually is.

Yes! Exactly. I can’t stand to watch him. A terrible interviewer and he really isn’t funny. Nicole Kidman was trying her best but god... he’s slow to catch on.