
Yeah it’s pretty crazy to think any show reached the epicness of GOT. That show is literally a behemoth.

I haven’t watched Twin Peaks and I agree that the writing for GOT was slightly off this season, but it was a goddamn spectacle nonetheless.

Yup. It’s also telling that he’ll be remembered far more as Khal Drogo than Aquaman.

Chris Martin is actually pretty good with comedy. See: the delightful skit done by Coldplay and the Game of Thrones cast for Red Nose Day couple of years ago. He played a goofy, overtly optimistic version of himself that was actually quite endearing.

I haven’t been this pumped to see a movie since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. It’s going to be a tough wait...

He thinks he can distract all of us from the shitshow stirring in his administration. Like that tax bill. Not gonna work forever Donny... I hope that tax bill burns so badly it never sees the light of the day. Also the entire administration needs to get the same treatment.

That discussion is very relevant. It needs to be had. But it can be had in other ways too. Instead of bashing an innocent guy, why can’t the piece tackle privilege by praising the few POCs who have made a breakthrough. Like Mindy Kaling, Aziz Ansari, Donald Glover, Issa Rae. Maybe Taylor a conversation where these

I honestly hate people like that. Having a PhD doesn’t give you the license to write anything about anyone and claim it’s a ‘rigorous process’ because you have a fucking PhD. I can also put in years of study and get one. My final undergrad Econ research paper felt like a precursor to that anyway.

Woahhhh there was an article like that? Holy shit. That’s wrong. Just wrong. They go to other extreme, which isn’t good.

He was really good in the first Fantastic Beasts movie. True Detective S2 was horseshit but he gave a brilliant performance and was the reason I watched the whole season.

Jezebel sucks. Basically if someone is a white male, he sucks. Regardless of who is, what he’s done. That comment section is pretty terrible. What *truly* sucks is that a site like AV a club which has some amazing stuff and had a fantastic community is part of the same fucking media group.

I think it was just once. I haven’t seen the interview but it’s mentioned that she just popped in for a few seconds. I mean by that standard most Hollywood men are assholes then.

Yeah but whose clever idea was it to replace Colin Farrell with him? We all know Farrell would do a much better job anyway.

Are you taking a hit at me? Because I have never been in a sorority and I’m not white either. I’m not even American.

Buzzfeed did the same article about Matt Damon too. They should stick to quizzes and lists.

She really seems to have it out for him. All the comments for the article call her out for it but it’s so mean spirited it’s crazy. She could’ve easily just written the article about privilege in Hollywood. That would’ve been good. A necessary discussion but dragging Hammer was so unnecessary. Particularly that line

Did anyone read the piece that Buzzfeed wrote on him? I thought it was really really unfairly mean to him. Privilege is definitely a topic that needs to be discussed, but there is so much awful Hollywood scum to rip apart, why target someone who is talented and by all accounts a genuinely nice person?

Lol right? For me it’s terrible performance in an atrocious film.

I think of them taking self-defense courses, and carrying a personal weapon, and walking in pairs to their homes, not dressing in a dowdy manner and clucking their tongues at people who like having sex.

And she has a PHD in neuroscience too!