
Yeah we millenials hate victim blaming. Such monsters!

I wasn’t surprised about Mayim Bialik. She has ALWAYS perpetuated the thought that anyone who makes an effort to look good are not worth anyone’s time. She has some dangerous views on parenting and has a anti-vaxx stand. She basically likes to hold herself to a higher standard because she has apparently ‘consciously’

Oof. That would not be fun.

I mean I wouldn’t hate on her, but she is wrong in this case. And people have the right to be outraged. It doesn’t matter if she’s 90. Being willfully ignorant about sexual assault isn’t a thing that should be excused.


Agreed. Not only would you be fired, someone could file a lawsuit against you for sexual harrasment.

I honestly wonder when actors ‘method act’ do when they interact with people who aren’t involved in the movie whatsoever. Like you mentioned, say on a plane? Do they continue to be dickish assholes to the general public in name of ‘method acting’? I’m genuinely curious. Because idgaf if a world-famous actor is sitting

In any other industry, being an asshole to co-workers, sending them stuff like ‘used condoms, anal beads and dead rats’ would get the person fired. That behaviour is not tolerated anywhere else, so why should it be tolerated in Hollywood?

Now that you say it... it’s true! I’ve never ever heard about a female actor yammer on about method acting... interesting.

I personally don’t buy into the idea of method acting. Now that could be because I don’t work in that field, but like you said plenty of other actors give tremendous performances without method acting. So what’s so special about it? Sometimes I see actors (Jared Leto comes to mind) use method acting as an excuse for

Yup. Exactly. And honestly a lot of his jokes were quite brutal. I loved that. His jabs on the Tourist and the HFPA’s hypocrisy and cowardness were so good.

Not being sarcastic. I liked him. I like his unfiltered sense of humour. Personally i love seeing celebrities taken down a few notches. And he does a fantastic job with that. Which is also why I like Tina and Amy too! They did a really good job and I enjoyed watching them host.

True! He had a decent run when he hosted the Emmys.

Yeah Keg! Max! Is one of those few pre season 4 episodes that weren’t good. Basically I hated that Jess, who happens to be my fav, started screwing things up and again and we had to see Dean again.

True! Logan should’ve been written out the minute he cheated on her. Season 7 should’ve been Rory figuring out senior year, single and worries about her post-grad future.

Rory/Logan gets more grating and awful upon rewatch. It’s actually difficult for me to watch their scenes. Rory sobbing over Logan was so overtly pathetic it was painful to watch. I can watch Michael Scott being in awkward situations 500 times over watching Logan/Rory crap.

The show’s continued insistence to throw a wrench in Luke and Lorelai’s relationship for no good reason gets increasingly annoying when you rewatch. Especially since you pointed out... Lorelai isn’t Rory. Rory might’ve wanted to leave Stars Hollow but Lorelai never indicated she did. In fact she was happy and loved

I mean weight gains can happen within a couple of years. And Kate was what 18 when she lost her dad? By the time she’s 28 she’s at the weight we see her at now. It’s very believable. Especially if she binge ate while coping with her grief.

That’s true! Teenage Kate looks fine. She is not fat by any means. She looks healthy. Obviously Jack’s death had a lot to do with her weight gain and her severe issues within Rebecca as well. I want to see that.

Season 1 was such a perfect blend of humour, satire and drama. The adult storylines were great as well. Marissa was the one weak point but overall it was such a perfect season. I love the 4th season was well!