
ALWAYS. Marissa was the worst character on the show and uh she really sucked the life out of everyone. Doesn’t help that Mischa Barton was a terrible actress. Taylor was awesome. Her chemistry with Ryan was so wonderful. I wish the show went on. The 4th season was great and the show had gotten its groove back.

The OC on Hulu! Or atleast the 1st and 4th seasons! Really funny and you know... Seth and Sandy Cohen.

That is exactly why they need to get the ‘how Jack died’ mystery over and done with and get to the consequences that took places after. Too many pieces are missing to solely service that story.

Superstore is good too! And ofcourse, like mentioned by others, Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Totally agreed. Rebecca is actually such a great character and Mandy Moore is doing such a bang up job playing her! Like you said, she’s human. She isn’t portrayed as perfect nor do her kids see her as a perfect parent as they see Jack. I would absolutely love to see a Rebecca centric episode, one after Jack’s death

Yeah I like snarky a lot but I miss the abundant amount of pop culture on this site. This was a place where a lot of non-mainstream discussion would take place and I loved it. I really miss that!

It bothered me so much. I felt for Marty during that scene. Logan was such an asshole.

I really needed to see Jess punch the shit out of LADB. Luke could’ve joined him. The revival would have been 1000x better if they included that.

I think one of the worst parts of the terrible revival was the sidelining of Lane. I was really mad. She has been with the show since day 1 and they barely include her?! And it wasn’t even a problem with scheduling unlike say for characters like Paris, Sookie and Jess. I really wanted to see more of Lane’s life and we

Let’s not even talk about that awful Martha Vinyard’s episode. Holy shit was that just terrible. Urgh. Season 6&7 are never part of my rewatch so I forget how god-awful this show could get.

The only good thing about the Kardashian’s being insanely popular is that must drive Paris Hilton totally and completely crazy. And I like it when privileged, non-hardworking, vapid, selfish, elitist people go through shit and realize they’re so replaceable. That doesn’t take away the money but it takes away the

Yeah it’s really crazy that the Kardashians are still relevant.

As far as I remember she did invent the awful ‘famous for being famous’ trend. So you know, that’s her terrible contribution to society.

Racism exists everywhere. Even in NYC. You’d be pretty naive to believe it doesn’t. As a POC, I’d love to pretend it doesn’t exist either. And most of the time I’ve been okay. But there are a bunch of times where the institutionalized racism comes to play. Whether it’s at work, in public or social scenes. It’s always

I) I’m not a guy.

If you haven’t guessed yet I don’t GAF what happens in the world of television or sports or a lot of other of The Distractions created to keep us mollified (go ahead and look it up and USE it;).

I mean it’s a job though. I haven’t watched the show but I know that getting jobs isn’t easy. In any industry. The crew and the rest of the cast losing their jobs would be really sad. I mean if I lost my job without any fault of my own, I’d be pissed.

Maybe she is a feminist. But her idea is that she is doing something to further the cause for equality and believes she is speaking on behalf of women who don’t get a voice, which she isn’t. Like I mentioned before, she can say whatever the fuck she wants, doesn’t mean she will be embraced. People will call her out on

Why should they cancel the shows? Write out the problematic guy. And innocent people losing their jobs isn’t the answer. I’d hate to lose my job if my boss turns out to be a sexual predator.

Speaking of which, what will happen to his role on Arrested Development?