
I mean isn’t this fraud? To say that the company made $9.5 B when it actually made $600M?

Agreed! I keep waiting for more FP stuff and so far this season, there hasn’t much. Need to see more FP

Urgh tell me about it. Teen shows always have this problem. Always caving to heavy fan service when it comes to romantic relationships. Most of the time it destroys the narrative.

“Not that Daddy’s Home 2 has a serious chance of winning a Golden Globe, but you get the point”

It would be the kind if ridiculous that I love. Also Not just because I like FP a lot and think he needs more screentime (that’s one the biggest reasons tho).

That FP image in the thumbnail really makes me miss him on the show. He’s not been on a lot. I really really want to see more FP.

When did I say they were worse than rapists? Nowhere is it mentioned or even implied. Please read the text thoroughly before making accusing me.

You totally get me.

I really enjoyed Dark Night Rises too. Tom Hardy was a great villain as Bane. I hated Man of Steel though. And that kept me from watching BVS. So maybe that’s a plus point for MoS?

No we don’t have to care. Also this whole ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ is ridiculously stupid. The same way Maxim’s Hot 100 is. I find this nonsense so irrelevant in 2017. I feel like nowadays the craft of these people and their general personas (as in stand up, non-rapey, non-sexual harassers guys) is more relevant anyway. I

Yup exactly. And he isn’t even a good actor. The only good actor on Gossip Girl was Leighton Meester. And maybe Penn Badgely (Dan). No one else was good. He’s not even an MCM. His entire persona reeks of rapey, creepy asshole.

I completely agree with you. I mean how much do you worship a certain person that you would so easily slap a ‘women lie all the time so those women are too’ line? Like how disheartening and awful is that? What the hell do these women have to gain from this? I mean I have a hard time talking about being groped by a

I didn’t mean I was wrong to watch those shows. I meant I was wrong to romanticize characters like his. I have no regrets watching those shows. I still love watching guilty pleasure trashy dramas. It’s fun! But I watch it now with far more self-awareness than I did when I was 16-17

As a teenage girl 5-6 years ago, I too would watch a lot of trashy shows and I unabashedly loved them and their problematic storylines. But then I grew up and realized how wrong I was to think those storylines were ‘romantic’ especially since women on those shows were treated so badly. I think those shows send awful

I don’t think it’s sexist to state the facts. Most of his defenders are women because 99% of his fan base consist of teenage girls and/or young adults who grew up with th show. I don’t know many men who have watched Gossip Girl.

He was on Gossip Girl and has a huge teenage fan base. Make of that what you will. I personally thought his character was an awful shitbag but lots of people love him. It’s gross.

I agree. I get the whole ‘transform for the art’ stuff but such drastic weight gains and losses have detrimental effects on one’s bodies like, as you mentioned diabetes or multiple other issues.

He really does. And what’s worse is that most people are so quick to defend him on Facebook and Instagram. They are literally saying that these women are under some agenda to frame him and called them some heinous names. Urgh.

Yeah I know! I want to see more of that. Rebecca is a very interesting character that hasn’t been fully explored yet outside of her relationship with Jack and her kids. I really really want to see Rebecca’s life after Jack dies. It will be very interesting to watch.

I really want a post-Jack Rebecca episode! I’d love to see her and Miguel connecting and eventually marrying. Also I think we’ll get a better look at Kate and Rebecca’s strained relationship after Jack dies. I think there is a strong story there we don’t know yet. And maybe that might make me sympathetic to Kate’s