
The acting on this show is so stellar. It really elevated it. Just like the fantastic acting on Parenthood for the show (although I personally feel Parenthood is a superior show to This Is Us).

Ooooh. Now that’s soapy as hell.

Honestly if low rated talent like this piece of shit can have this much power to get away with shit like this, it’s pretty telling how deep sexual harassment goes in Hollywood. It’s sickening.

Sick bastard. I never much liked the show but the solidarity shown by the all the women actresses on the show for the writers is incredible. Power to them really!

I was legitimately disappointed when I found out that Arnie Hammer didn’t have a twin brother. He’s so fine.

Now playing

“SNIP SNAP SNIP SNAP SNIP SNAP!!! You have no idea the physical toll that 3 vasectomies have on a person!”

Yeah. Or all of Season 2 and 3 of the Office. Or Season 4 of the Office with The deposition and dinner party.

Chris is terrible. He was never involved in Rory’s life. Kept flitting in and out whenever he pleased. Ruined Lorelai’s life when she was most happy with a man who was stable, loved her and cared for her daughter a hell of a lot more than Chris did. I’m sorry, but Luke, even at his most dour was not even close to the

At her parent’s wedding too. Atleast Lauren Graham really pulled it off!

The reveal and murder mystery did not interest me that much actually. It’s he characters and the complainers relationships they shared that caught my interest.

Christopher always behaves like this though. Flying back and forth into Lorelai’s life and ruining it. He’s he worst but atleast he’s consistent. He’s never ever been good. He’s been a man-child through and through.

I’m always on Emily’s side in most situations but this one I wasn’t. She was wrong here. Bringing up flaming garbage pile Christopher to ruin Luke and Lorelai’s relationship was wrong. And honestly it rang false. I remember distinctly in the first couple of seasons Emily calling both Luke and Lorelai idiots for

Thank god. That was the same case with 1989 (although Blank Space isn’t too bad, but Shake it Off and Bad Blood were just awful). I don’t get why her super popular songs are ones that aren’t good. I won’t say all singles because I like ‘Call it want you want’.

Oh it’s a widespread thing in all industries. It’s just that Hollywood is hypocritical about this. Calling out Trump when you have Trumps in your business (Not that I object calling Trump out because I hate him with a fire of a 1000 suns. And I’m a liberal).

This is a very well-written article. Hollywood’s hypocrisy over the years has been astounding and as you pointed out that if these depressing stream of accusations are doing anything good it’s that people are not willing to shut up about abuse anymore. There is still a very long way to go. But atleast there are

“I found myself surprisingly enamored with the singles from her last album after spending most of her career ignoring her.”

Excellent! I’ve been needing new music and I’m glad it’s good.

No one is perfect dude. If you’re waiting to heap your praise on someone who is perfect, you’ll be waiting for a very very very long time. We make mistakes. And we own up to them. Who knows what she knew or didn’t know or what her situation was 5 years ago when she worked with Woody Allen? She recognizes it as a

I really like that ethic tbh. Not that there is anything wrong with wanting to be famous, but I usually find actors who are more focused on the work than social media popularity are more enjoyable.

That’s good. That’s what I was hoping for. Are the rest of the songs any good? I haven’t heard them yet. Waiting for them to come on Spotify.