
Not gonna lie, I’m very excited to hear this album (next week when it’s on Spotify). I know people usually hate her but I like a lot of her music. Not her popular songs, they’re usually duds, it’s her under the radar ones. I love listening to them. New Romantics is still in my Top 25 Songs List.

You have a very bizarre sense of morality that you expect everyone to live up to.. All your posts keep mentioning how you are ‘TRUE LIBERAL’ by being ‘environmentally concious’ and always being on th right side of morality like treating every situation like it’s black and white. And those who don’t adhere to that

I hope that is the case. That she isn’t interested in the mainstream success and likes being an actress than a celebrity. There are a lot of actors like that. Tom Hardy is one that comes to mind. They aren’t interested in being glamourized or being famous per say. They love their job and like to keep it as a job, not

True! What I meant was that I expected to have crazy mainstream success akin to Jennifer Lawrence by now. Especially after the Juno success. Instead she’s stuck doing awful movies like Flatliners that don’t highlight her talent and stick her with far less talented actors.

It’s a very long post but I think everyone should give it a read. Celebrities don’t always publicly recognize the privilege the possess (mostly in terms of wealth). And when they do, I applaud them because their message is directed to helping those who don’t have that kind of privilege. I love how she pointed out that

She’s such a talented actress too. I genuinely thought she’d be leading lady by now.

Good god. Like someone else commented, Kevin Spacey allegations are pretty evident that abuse towards to men is taken very seriously. Why do people like you have to constantly clap back with a ‘but men alsooo’ when it comes to women facing sexual abuse? We know it happens to men. We discuss it and condemn sick those

That entire post was so well-written. I also loved that she recognized that she’s privileged. And that her message was to fight for those who don’t have means. I loved that.

“So, you’re saying she was a girl/immature at 24/25?”

I don’t agree with you. Actors, atleast in the beginning of their careers take roles for so many reasons, primarily money. It doesn’t mean they necessarily like the director they are working for. But later when they have opportunities like Ellen Page does and they address issues with those directors who are known

Yes! Thank you. I thought it was an honest portrayal of a young girl. Max and Eleven can still grow into being friends. Hell I’ve had a few friendships that started off kind of like that.

Nobody said it’s not wrong. But it’s bullshit for OP to minimize the impact on women by saying that men face it too. Ofcourse men face it, but they don’t face it as much as women. It’s a fact. It’s a statistic. Women don’t harass men as much as men harass women.

Huh, different strokes but I loved this episode. I actually cried during the scene where Meredith won the Harper Avery and saw Ellis. The scene with Alex about his vision for a happy life for Izzie was so sweet. I’ve actually loved this season so far. It’s done a good job with the characters and story. Last season was

I mean he played Walder Frey. Doesn’t get creepier than that.

God I hope no one is a creepy asshole there. This series is very close to my heart. This was literally my childhood and I will be shattered.

Absolute bullshit. Men are harassed, yes. But women face it a LOT more. Case in point. My guy friends and me. I’ve been groped, cat called, etc so many times, and them... not even once. So yeah.

I’m in two minds about this. On one hand I LOVED the show and the cast and selfishly want to see the story go further. On the other hand, it ended so well that I’m afraid a new season wouldn’t be so good.

Except that you know these crimes weren’t committed in 2017.... they were exposed. And while it’s depressing to hear how many people have suffered, isn’t it a good thing that Hollywood assaulters are being outed and being treated like the scum they are?

Urgh same. He wasn’t even entertaingly awful. Just plain, never-want-to-see-him-again-on-my-screen-again awful.

Gross. Billy is awful. Hopper is wonderful.