
I didn’t like their storyline but I somehow like Nancy and Jonathan together. I mean Steve is infinitely better but he and Nancy don’t fit. Jonathan can be less mopey though.

I LOVED that. Mr Wheeler is such a clueless dumbass.


I honestly cannot believe it’s the 300th episode of Grey’s. Like holy shit. But I’m loving this season a lot. So hopefully it’s a delightful episode!

Will Joyce and Hopper get together?

Yes! I’m very interested in that backstory. Can’t wait to see how it unfolds.

I would’ve loved to use the woman card but we all know that isn’t an indication of lack of misogyny. I mean watch any women Trump supporters talk about Hillary and you’d know! And it’s honestly this is the internet. You’re totally forgiven for assuming my gender. I do it too.

No that’s okay. I wasn’t insulting you. The other commentator was coming down too hard on me so I had to clarify. It was really just a typo. I don’t know why he was so annoyed. This is the internet and Kinja sucks and doesn’t give you an extra opportunity to correct yourself when you’re in a better state of mind (I

1) I’m a woman.

Typo. It happens to the best of us. Especially when I’m exhausted from a long day of work.

You’re privileged if you’re able to push those values. Most of us have a lot of responsibilities like work, earning money, families to take care of, debt to take care of. I do my best to help others. I volunteer my time when I can and give my resources when I can. I consider that pretty liberal. I’m not a superhuman.

It was a typo. I’m not a misogynist. Kinja doesn’t allow you to edit after 15 mins and I didn’t see this until like an hour later. Please don’t label me based on one typo.

Seriously we need to see more of Alice Cooper. And FP. And the backstory of Alice and the serpents and how she knows FP!!

Well I hope the legion of fans (so many of them females) that vehemently defended him won’t anymore. His Facebook page is an indication of that.

Are you even aware that you sound like a self-righteous prick? Good for you that you don’t feel the need to drive! But a lot of others do. People have work they need to get to where they travel a lot because their work is far away from home because they can’t afford to live closer. Fuck you for being such an asshole.

Noooo I hope RDJ hasn’t done anything. I truly love the guy and will be terribly heartbroken to hear any form of allegations against him. Same with the rest of the MCU. I love all the actors.

Yeah... not an American. I’m here on visa. I mean I’d love to be a citizen, but if Trump gets his way... that’s not going to happen.

Mark Ruffalo

Most of America has awful public transport. Only big cities have a good system. And well, not everyone lives in a big city. I went to college in Orange County and I suffered for it. There is literally nothing there except for 2 buses. I had to rely on Uber and Lyft and my friend’s cars. Also walking and biking to work

And airing it’s 300th episode tomorrow. This season has been very good though. They brought back an old writer who wrote Emmy-nominated episodes for the show In like S2.