
Seriously? That’s your solution? I can’t tell if you’re joking or not. What about places that don’t have a good public transport system? If I don’t have a car... then I rely on uber and Lyft... other multinational companies... see where your argument is faulty!

And you think boycotting Apple and Amazon is a way of sticking by our convictions? How exactly? By depriving ourselves of the best in technology and e-commerce?

You’re right we shouldn’t. But participating in pointless boycotts, especially against conglomerates like Apple and Amazon is worthless and a waste of time. They are in the top of their game now, and no other small or mid-size company *right now* is at their level. I’m in finance, believe me when I say this. I’m

Well I meant the Apple and Amazon part of that. Should have clarified. And tell me.. what’s wrong about wanting a six figure salary? I’m working my way towards one. And donating a part of it to organizations for helping sexual assault victims in India. I’m in a ridiculously competitive industry where women usually

Okay to be fair, I don’t remember much of the plot in the pilot but I do remember that the premise changed a lot after the pilot and the show kinda retooled itself a bit. All I remember is that I really enjoyed it in the end. I didn’t feel the show was on that level of misogyny towards the end though.

I laughed way too hard at this.

Being resolute in your beliefs isn’t always a good thing. It means that your rigid about things that are wrong and unwilling to listen to criticism. It’s good to be flexible. Are you actually saying that conservatives being racist, sexist, homophobic psychos is a good thing? Because those are their beliefs and they

And how has that benefited them exactly? They have bullshit convictions only done for attention. Not eating something to prove some ridiculous point is a waste of time. Use your time to do good. Not boycott stuff that actually helps you further your cause. Good lord.

So you’d rather that us liberals live like hermits and not keep up with the latest technology to move forward in this world? What kind of warped logic is that? Wake up dude, it’s 2017. If you don’t like using up-to-date technology then you’re not exactly going to move forward with your career anywhere. And love it or

Lovely article! I absolutely and totally loved Selfie so much! I hate that the title of the show was so terrible that no one watched it and it got cancelled. It was such a charming show and like you mentioned in the article, the two leads were fantastic. I actually opened up a Hulu account 3 years ago to watch the

Woah so edgy

Yes she does. I’m still bitter about her not winning an Emmy for he Leftovers (she wasn’t even nominated!!!!)

Yeah I don’t think I’d ever warm up to Toby. He may get slightly less annoying sometimes but he’s still super annoying and really terrible. I wish they would write him out of the show.

It kind of does actually.

Yeah in the pilot episode he tried to rape both Serena and Jenny. The show conveniently forgot about that and made him to be a leading man who sells his girlfriend for a hotel and assaults her to the point where he shatters a glass window on her head. It’s awful. What’s worse, they end up together.

Further proof that Dan and Blair should’ve ended up together and Chuck should’ve been killed off!

That’s a good question. She should have sued them.

Again, this is speculative without facts. You are hating on her because you ‘believe’ she is not straight and she’s lying about it. God. Use your hatred for someone else.

The blog is not backed up by facts. It’s speculative. And calling someone a white supremacist is a very strong statement. None of what Swift has done has any direct correlation to being a white supremacist. She send zero messages about her political affliliations. You like that blogger is reaching. I don’t care much

That’s true. I agree with you. And I think it was a stupid move for them to send the cease and desist letter because it’s bad publicity for them, however it is well within Swift’s rights.