
And you know her ‘real’ sexuality how exactly? You despise a woman for hiding things that aren’t even true? Wow.

I’m not going to do anything of that sort. If you have such a problem with me then stop replying to my comments. I’m pretty well-versed in vocab and intelligence, don’t need any from you. Thanks.

But isn’t spreading false narratives about someone wrong anyway? That site said she’s a racist and white supremisist. It’s a very strong statement to make since she’s never been vocal about her political affiliations (which she has every right to be). She is well within her rights to sue for libel in this case.

Oh I completely agree. Also he wasn’t born out of incest that could screw with his head the way it did with Joffrey.

He’s exactly like Joffrey. Tywin was evil but really smart and a great politician. Joffrey was the overprivileged, overindulge kid who was stupid, incompetent and given way too much power and abused it constantly. Let’s just hope there is an Olenna Tyrell somewhere waiting to finish off Trump.

How does it matter if it would’ve happened without rich parents or not? He’s NOT THROWING it on your face that he’s rich goddammit!!! It’s so frustrating to see people just hate on people for absolutely no good reason. He did a good thing. He earned his merit. He didn’t take away jobs from anyone. Stop believing that

So what exactly do you people want from him exactly? Give up his job and give it to someone else? Not do his job using his excellent skills to expose a sexual predator? His name allowed him to post that story. An unknown who doesn’t work for a big publication wouldn’t have been taken seriously. He used his clout for

I didn’t even talk about neoliberalism with you. I don’t have a full grasp on that concept so I’m not going to expand any thoughts on that. However I’m not a socialist either. But I’m not here to discuss that. Ronan Farrow definitel used his name and clout to break a very important story that would’ve been ignored if

Where on earth in my post did I indicate that I want to be like Trump or his family? I said if you’re itching to bash someone privileged, which is literally your entire argument on hating Ronan Farrow, bash Trump’s kids. These assholes haven’t earned any of their wealth, throw it in other people’s faces and take away

Yes, completely agreed about the narrative. You put it better in words than I could! There is a small section of liberals who go to the other extreme (albeit not even close to the heinousness of the alt right) where everyone who is white or privileged is bashed and insulted, regardless of who they are or what they do

So you think he hasn’t earned it by merit? I don’t think you get in law school at 16 without merit. His resume is fantastic. Effort goes in to be that accomplished.

Why do just assume that he didn’t go through any struggles to get where he is? Multiple rejections? Failures? Yes he has privilege over many others due to his wealth but to just assume that he got things easy is a very faulty way to think. Will you say the same thing about Bill Gates? He was born into wealth too. But

I completely agree with you. It’s a warped view if people expect people of privilege to constantly apologize for what they have. Now if privileged people are throwing their privilege or suppressing people with less privilege than them or getting places without merit, then yes, bash them. They deserve it. That’s what

Thank you! Bashing someone for using their privilege for good is rubbish. And why bash him? Only because he’s privileged? And you’re right, he’s not at all throwing it in anyone’s face. In fact during the interview, when the audience clapped for him, he said that the brave women who came forward should be applauded.

Uh I know. It’s so frustrating to see people talk like this. It’s such a black and white perspective. Like hey, you were born into privilege? You automatically suck! I don’t care if you worked super hard and built up good credentials to get where you are... you still suck! Uh no. That’s not how these conversations go.

So? He worked hard for it. Are we bashing people now for simply working their asses off? So what if he has a privileged background? He didn’t use just that to get in to institutions. He made sure he was qualified enough to do so. Do you want him to give up his job and give it to those college grads? I mean good god.

“Perhaps not. But that résumé also couldn’t be achieved without any privilege to begin with.”

He spent 10 months investigating a topic to help those who have been sexually abused by a powerful man. He used his privilege, status and smarts to help people. What the fuck is wrong with that? I commend him. Use your attack for someone else. He doesn’t deserve it. Itching to bash the privileged? Bash Trump’s kids.

He’s privileged yes, but he uses that for good. There is nothing wrong with that. Stop shaming people for no good reason. He’s earned all his credentials by merit. It’s pretty clear just looking at his resume.

This was an excellent interview.