
Same. I genuinely enjoy her music. She has a few bad songs (which tend to be her most popular ones) but most of her stuff is really good.

She just released a new song which is actually very good.

Oh I loved Selfie! It was a sweet show and the leads were great. I wish someone brought that show back!

I like that about him. I like his friendly persona. And by all accounts he seems like the most decent, stand up guy in the business. His monologues are excellent though. So I’m okay if he isn’t the ‘best interviewer’ even though I like his interviews.

Yeah I read the whole thing... it’s horrifying. Including the part of his cousin. All this really fucks you up for life. The fact that his parents were in so much denial that they didn’t even attempt to find out that something horrible is happening to their son is depressing as hell.

Veep truly nails what it is like to be awful people. It may be talking about people in DC, but it could very well apply for Hollywood Stars.

This. Exactly.

True, there is no way they take this seriously. If they did, they would have sought out treatment 2 decades ago, without any need to tell the media and actually recognize their actions as a problem. It’s a bullshit PR move and everyone knows it. Getting treatment is a good thing but these celebs aren’t going to do so.

Looking forward to Thor and Murder on the Orient Express. I loved the book and I can’t wait to see it in live action! Perks of Being a Wallflower is my absolute favourite coming-of-age movie and the director did such a good job but I don’t have a good feeling about Wonder, just based on the trailer. It feels more

“You hurt women, you don’t help them.” Says the guy who is literally spamming this comment section by insulting a talented actress. The irony.

I hope they do! Jake Gyllenhaal is overdue for one really!

Thanks for that! I usually dismiss those comments when they get too much. Because it stops being a conversation and then it becomes a massive attack add and name calling.

It’s not a lie.

He probably doesn’t have any. Outright insulting without any reason. Calling names. Not giving conclusive arguments, just name calling.

Wow. You have issues. Calling me a fraud when you don’t even know me. In my opinion, I think she’s great. You don’t. That’s fine. Agree to disagree.

Wow what did Margot Robbie ever do to you? Do you hate her because she’s pretty, talented and by all accounts really cool?

I thought she was pretty fantastic in Wolf if Wall Street.

This looks really good. And it looks like everyone is going to give great performances too.

Yeah it looks good! And the cast looks pretty good too. I had no idea who Tonya Harding was and did a quick google search and didn’t find her story all that interesting but this movie might change that!

Counter-counter point: she actually is a good actress. She was fantastic in the Wolf of Wall Street. Suicide Squad was a flaming pile of garbage and she did everything possible to do good with the awful writing given to her. Focus was a forgettable and dumb movie, but I liked her performance. I will admit that her