
Yeah same. Literally every one of Trump’s kids is blatantly stupid and I feel really bad for his grandkids because unless they break free from the family, they will also grow up to entitled, bratty stupid adults.

Uh no it isn’t.

“But I do feel ambivalent about seeing careers end or having to completely change my entire feelings about people I’ve long liked and admired”

I think you misinterpreted me. That’s not my advice. Your argument is that these allegations taint your love for movies and pop culture and that is a problem. I say that I’d rather see abusers be convicted for their crimes and I’m more than okay to have my favourite movies be tainted because of that. I’d rather see

I thought Tatiana Maslany was a shoo-in for Stronger. Maybe she’ll be in leading actress instead.

Look I’m not going to dictate or tell you how to deal with abuse, because it’s a very difficult thing and it’s horrible that you had to go through it. However, speaking out actually helps quell that anger. Atleast in my experience. I’ve been groped a bunch of times and while that doesn’t even compare to your

‘Focus on the positive aspects of life’ are you for real? I’m really sorry you had to go through sexual abuse. No one should ever have to but you can only focus on ‘positive aspects’ when there is some kind of justice served. The whole mentality of shutting up and keeping it down is so unhealthy. I’m glad my

Kinja sucks. It has destroyed this once vibrant, unique fun community. I’ll give you that much. But I’m glad AV Club is covering every single sexual harassment/assault allegation against famous celebrities. It’s depressing but necessary.

Maybe more people should think like Millenials. We don’t take abuse anymore. We call shit out. We take a stand. We don’t ‘let things go’ for the sake of art. We like giving voices to the underdogs. Isn’t that a good thing? Isn’t that far more important than nostalgia for entertainment? I fucking hope so.

If this causes you this much discomfort, imagine what the victims went through for years. The message should be that sexual harassment and assault should not be tolerated. That’s the bottom line. If actors/directors/creators with talent are also creepy sick assholes, I’d rather never see their work.

Don’t worry dude, by the looks of it I already said things that have put you in your place. So my username can stay put. You on the other hand are getting your ass whooped by literally every other commenter here, including me.

I’ve worked with sexual assault victims and acid attack victims along with schools that specialize education for poor women in India. But sure, I don’t know what feminism is. You on the other hand are saying that a innocent adoptive father/daughter dancing video is pedophilia and claim to be a guy who cares about

True. Although this guy pretends to care about feminist issues and then goes on to the extreme of slapping pedophilia to an innocent video. What a sicko. Must suck to live like that.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You are literally no better than those Briebart trolls that keep coming here. God I miss the old AVC where users like you got whooped so badly by the community. You’re just sick.

Wait so you don’t use misogynistic language but you’re MORE than okay to say that an innocent adorable video of a adoptive father trying to cheer up an orphaned girl by doing a wacky dance is pedophilia? What the fuck?

Urgh gross. What kind of sick brain do you have that you have to interpret this video as pedophilia? Don’t go to the other extreme.

Same! I’m taking a slight positive spin (although it’s very hard to make sexual assault or pedophila or harassment into anything positive) that this stuff is out in the open. That abuse suffered by people for years is finally in the open and the abusers are getting their comeuppance. I mean there is still a very long

I have a bunch of issues with this site ever since they switched to the god-awful kinja but the coverage of this isn’t. We would all love to live in a world where the actors we admire or you know people in general weren’t creepy predatory pedophiles. But guess what? We don’t live in that world. In fact talking about

I hate to agree with you, but it’s true. I mean I thought the Seth-Summer-Anna love triangle was so brilliant. I think I’m Season 4 though, he was a pretty awesome guy and treated Summer supremely well. He was such an adorable goof though.

Yeah I wouldn’t give up Seth Cohen for any character tbh. I loved that character way too much. But I really did want Lane to end up with Dave. They were just SO perfect.