
To be fair though, this joke did not get old on the show. I think it was Steve Carell's excellent delivery that did the trick. This channel has been pretty active these days. See the Michael vs Toby video (which is also freaking hilarious)

The heinousness of this administration keeps going to new lows. It's disgusting to watch the amount of discrimination levied to people who that Orange madman thinks aren't 'normal'.

I mean there wasn't much of a performance really. His storyline didn't have resolution and he was just… there.

Agreed. Vince Vaughn was awful. The script obviously didn't help but Rachel McAdams and Colin Farrell were able to rise above and do a decent job.

Wait whose Zack again? I can't seem to recall, it's been a while since I watched the show.
All I remember is that I finished the show with a feeling that I pretty much hated everyone on the show and they were idiots for not telling their parents the truth in the first place. Also the lead actors did a good job but the

With 13 reasons Why, I just couldn't stand any of the characters. Maybe that was on purpose but they were really grating.

Agreed. I think shows now don't use that approach much (except for the GG revival but that is pretty much awful anyway so it doesn't matter).

Agreed! I'm so glad to see her storyline become amazing again! The Braavis storyline while not bad, wasn't that interesting.

Agreed! That scene was really well done in my opinion.

In the aftershow segment after the episode, the creators state that Theon has very strong PTSD. That 'Reek' will never actually leave him. It's really sad honestly.

I think that's the case with Marty. Which sucks because Marty would've made a much better love interest than Logan.
Luke is the best. There is no debate there! Lol. But Digger was funny, so I liked him. Max was sweet but boring, but he didn't deserve to be treated the way Lorelai treated him though!

They did care about her but Jess was the one who was straightforward and honest. He didn't cheat on her and didn't get creepily possessive and didn't pursue her constantly while he was married. Jess was honest with her in ways that the other two weren't. He told her things that are hard to hear but were needed for her

I agree with you! The fascination with frat-boy culture, which was basically what the brigade was, was baffling. None of the characters were appealing or charming by any sense but there was so much focus on Logan. And like you said, it meant that being worthy of those 1%ers is everything in life, which lets face it is

I really think that season 7 could have really focused heavily on Rory's life outside her relationships (which needed more airtime considering, as you mentioned, the whole New York Times scholarship goal). It would have been interesting to see how she was planning her future and how she realized that just because

Luke and Jess's relationship was amazing! It was so heartfelt and really really funny too. It was adorable that both fell for their respective Gilmore Girls and both had trouble expressing how they felt.

I hated how everyone seemed extra pathetic around the girls. Like you know it is very possible to get over them, they're not some Greek goddesses, especially not Rory.

It might change. I'm not spoiling anything for you though! Lol.

I loved FP Jones. He became one of my favourites and I'm thrilled we get to see him more next season!

Urgh that musical.

Your analysis is good! Although I've never watched the wire, in regards to Logan, yes he has horrible role models and is kind of stuck but on this show where we've seen people like Jess or Lane struggle greatly because of actual, real world problems keeping them from pursuing their dream (In Jess's case, no parents,