
I'm genuinely excited for this season! The 1st really impressed me!

Michel is fun to watch on screen. His crabiness and Lorelai and Sookie's reaction to him are very entertaining. In real life though, I wouldn't be able to stand him.

Christopher was the absolute WORST. I hated him more than Logan and that's saying something.

I liked him. He wasn't the conventional love interest, which made him stand out and frankly more interesting. Besides he was funny and was really in rhythm with the fast-paced script.

I really wanted to see them get their asses kicked. Honestly if they showed Jess or Luke kicking their asses in their revival, it would've made every awful thing about them worth it!

It looked liked Ethan was going to let her take the fall and the show was trying to interpret it as something funny but came off wrong.

Oh absolutely not! That's why she was a hoot to watch. I think that even though the show started going downhill in the later seasons, Paris remained the one consistently hilarious part of the show. Her and Doyle's relationship was so wacky but so sweet.

And then she goes on to be a kickass private investigator that fights crime in New York.

Paris as a character is hilarious as hell. But I'm guessing as a person, I wouldn't able to be around her for more than 2 minutes.

Exactly! And I think that's one of the reasons why Jess is the best boyfriend on the show. He genuinely cared about her and the direction her life was taking. It was out of love and concern and not spite. I really wanted to see more of Jess's evolution as a character, but small snippets like this work because it

Especially since her character out-sassed Barney! Man HIMYM was so good in its early seasons.

I just rewatched that HIMYM episode! It was crazy to see Mandy Moore in that kind of role but she played it well. It was a funny episode too!

It's good, but slightly overrated if you ask me. It relies too much on emotional manipulation and that trope is a little tired after a while. Like we get it, you want people to cry. But don't make that your main purpose. I think Parenthood was a show that nailed the family show aspect really well and did a much better

They really were just terrible. The worst part of it is that they were in the revival and were fucking there for so long! That screentime could've been devoted to Jess, Lane or Paris!! Who on earth even likes those entitled, bratty douchnozzles and their non-existent charm? Urgh. If they showed Jess or Luke punching

That's one of the biggest reasons I hated this finale. Having Lisa cheat did not alleviate and make things even with Ethan and I hate that the show even tried to go there. Ethan is such a shit person and I really wanted to see him and Sam get some kind of commupance for their shitty behaviour.

It really was painful to watch the show constantly shove Logan and his awful friends down our throats. In my opinion, once Logan cheated on Rory, they should've written him out (he was graduating anyway) and spent season 7 with a single Rory in her senior year, more focused on her future plans.

For the longest time I couldn't separate the character from the actress but after I saw the Handmaid's Tale, that problem disappeared instantaneously.

Yes I've read that! And totally agreed. Team Jess forever and ever. Well for me and not Rory because she doesn't deserve him. Also he's gorgeous.

Yeah that's pretty much it I think (from a more realistic perspective and not the Palladino's 'everybody loves Rory despite her being terrible' attitude).

I'm so torn because I'm one hand I want Jess/Rory to be endgame because I just love them. That chemistry was unbeatable and they just… fit. But on the other hand, seeing how awful Rory is in the revival, I'd like Jess to be as far away from her and have a happy life with someone who actually deserves him.