
That takedown that Jess gives her is so perfect. The fact that Jess, a guy who was once so messed up had his life together despite having minimal support (just Luke), no buckets of money to help him and very flighty parents, actually got his life together when Rory who had everything given to her was messed up, was

If I met her in person, I'd have to bite my tongue until it's bloody to not tell her off. I would hate her in real life and probably would not be around her for more than 5 minutes.

I agree with you. I love Jess and Rory together but honestly Jess not being over Rory in the revival is the most stupidest thing ever. He's successful, has made something of himself, stable, has good relationships with his uncle and mom. Rory was a fucking train wreck with too many entitlement issues. It's not

I didn't like the fact that Ethan and Sam's affair wasn't brought out in the open (which like is everyone on the show dumb? It's so obvious and the two of them aren't exactly making any efforts to hide it). Even if the writers are looking for a second season, this storyline should have gotten resolved or partially

Right? I can write essays about my love for Jess but how he was the one who never got over her when she basically never grew up and he grew up monumentally was baffling as hell.

Rory was so grating, how on earth did so many guys fall for her AND never get over her? Unlike Lorelai, she didn't have much of a personality either

Thanks for pointing out the 'never ever getting over Lorelai and Rory' aspect of this show Gwen! This annoyed me so much. Also another annoying thing: every female competition for the girls were ALWAYS one-dimensional jealous women. It bothered me so much. The fact that none of the men got over these girls is about as

The first season of the Office was nowhere as bad as this show.

I thought the first season had funny episodes like Diversity Day, healthcare and Basketball. But yeah nothing, and I mean nothing beats the fantasticness of Season 2. In my opinion it's the best comedy season ever produced. Just fantastic.

I haven't watched season 4 and now I won't lol

The next episode is worse… if that's even possible (which it is, it's pretty terrible)

I guess it's an agree to disagree situation but I couldn't stand Season 2 at all. The villain did not live up to the hype. Too much focus on Hayley and that terrible werewolf storyline. I liked Season 1 far more. I couldn't even bring myself to finish season 3 and I haven't watched season 4.

The resolution of that storyline was the only thing compelling me to watch the whole show.

The writing wasn't good to support any of those storylines though. The writing in general went downhill after season 1.

Claire Holt portrayed Rebekah on TVD, which made the switch very weird to see. She already embodied Rebekah. While the new actress did a good job, the switch didn't work as well. Either way, the show focused too much on Hayley, Marcel and characters that didn't work all that well. In my opinion Hayley worked back in

Klaus and Caroline have undoubtedly the best chemistry on the show. It beats all the pairings.

It's been so inconsistent. For a show called 'The Originals', they sure as hell took forever to focus on the entire family.

I was hoping that there was going to be some resolution to the cheating storyline (which is so redundant by this point, and not just because they lack any sort of chemistry) but the finale resolves NOTHING. Lisa doesn't even know for sure and the ending is just horrible. It's like what's the point of the show?

If they are trying to make Marianne the Phoebe of the group, they're doing an awful job. Like you said, Phoebe's weirdness worked because there was a reason for it. Marianne, like the rest of the group comes off as an insufferable person who has no regard for anyone else.

I didn't like them. I mean the actors were decent but they didn't work. It looks like the rest of fandom agreed because I believe the show lost a lot of fanbase due the show's focus on things the audience didn't enjoy like the lack of originals on a show called the originals, Hayley, werewolf storylines, etc.