
Here I was hoping it would work the other way round.

Yeah the Ed Sheeran cameo felt like a 'hey, that's a famous guy, let's celebrity bait'. Which is very against Game of Thrones's usual line of storytelling. It felt off

The cold open was brilliant.

Maybe so. But don't you remember the time he tried to break Luke and Lorelai? That was such shitty behaviour. What grown-ass man with a daughter behaves like that? Luke had a sense of humour, it was different but he had it. He loved and cared for Lorelai and Rory far far more than Christopher ever did. He was pretty

Agreed. It's boring even for hate-watching

It really is awful. I don't even know why I watched the whole thing. The finale is so bad. And since this show is obviously not gonna get renewed again, the ending is just god-awful.

Finally Game of Thrones is coming back. This wait was far too long

I agree. Christopher was very attractive and the fact that he hadn't aged a day in the revival was such a shock. His looks are the only thing going for him, otherwise he was shitty excuse for a human being. (Rory started following his lead as she grew older. Like father like daughter)

I think all of Lorelai's other boyfriends were better than Christopher. A rock is better than Christopher.

I'm so happy she's going to be a regular! I thought for sure that she was going to get killed off after she ran over the guard. I think her story was the most depressing on the show, with the FGM and her lover being executed in front of her eyes. But I agree, she played the role beautifully.

It's very weird to see Alexis with a nomination though, I thought she was the weakest on the show (but she is amazing on the Handmaid's Tale, which is what she got nominated for!). I think she is good when the roles she plays are catered to her, like very less dialogue. She doesn't do well with comedy at all. Which is

Rory is the actual worst though. She's downright awful in the revival.

Agreed. Seasons 1-3 are the best the show had. Everything after that isn't all that good. I was hoping the revival would be a callback to the earlier seasons but it reminded me of the ugly of the latter seasons, making me pretty much hate the revival.

I liked Digger. He was obviously not endgame for Lorelai but he was funny. It was much better seeing him than Christopher again. Atleast he had a sense of humour. Christopher was the worst.

I think Season 7 gets more flak than it deserves. Season 6 was god-awful and season 7 wasn't good but it had a very challenging task to repair the damage season 6 did. The unbelievable stuff was Luke not telling Lorelai about April for so long. It didn't make sense. Neither did The fact that Lorelai didn't say

Yessss! I'm so glad about this! I've been wanting you guys to review the last 4 seasons of GG! Mostly because I want to hear how awful the show got later on, how awful Rory got later on, how awful the April storyline is and how amazing Jess is later on and completely underutilized (especially compared to snivelly,

I watched the whole thing ( don't ask why, I was bored) and it's terrible. I hate the characters.

Yeah that's true. Anna Chlumsky should've won for the season 4 episode when she quits her job. That was wonderful acting.

It's good. But not that great, definitely not that great to warrant an emmy nom. I find it too emotionally manipulative.

I like it but it's too one note. Not deserving of a nomination though.