
What a fantastic season! I did not expect to be as engrossed and addicted to this show. The wait to Season 2 is going to be a long one…

Yeah this season isn't as focused as last but I'm still enjoying it! The last episode especially was great!

Last season was fantastic. Probably my favourite season. Along with Season 4.

I completely agree. Ted has his moments where he can be too much but I still like him. In the end, his relationship with the mother was the one I cared about the most.

It's funny because I've been doing a rewatch for the past couple of months and I get through the first 6-6.5 seasons and then start all over again. I just can't seem to make it past that. They show starts reeking too much of Ted/Robin and basically gives me the finale flashbacks that it's hard to enjoy it. The earlier

Exactly! That's one of the reasons the ending didn't work. She just didn't love him all that much. She loved Barney far far more.

The disappointing part was that the finale wasn't earned. Why spend an ENTIRE season on Barney and Robin's wedding, giving us a reason to believe they're compatible and showing snippets of Ted and Tracy's beautiful relationship only to yank it off immediately in the finale? And Ted and Robin ending up together was

That would be fantastic! Winter Soldier is the best Marvel movie made so far and this looks so good. The cast is ridiculously amazing.

This looks FANTASTIC. Cannot wait!

I'm actually really enjoying the Alt-J album. Yes it isn't as good as the previous two but it's pretty good.

Exactly. The way I saw it was that Moira was giving up hope and June was trying to push her not too. Moira needed that push and her best friend steered her in that direction.

Right? I don't actually understand what the writer was trying to say there. The dynamics between June and Moira are more of best friendship and survival than anything else.

Well he played Jess on gilmore girls and pretty much the best boyfriend of the other main character. Also the most interesting. And the cutest.

Agreed! Even the business school is moving up really high in status! I'm so proud to be a soon-to-be-alum!

UCI is slowly becoming one of the better colleges in the U.S. Ranking 1st in this regard is excellent. Also the school has some great programs with some great professors as well. I mean it was good enough back in 2014 for Obama to give a commencement speech!

Culture doesn't automatically disappear when you move to America. Also how is respecting parents a thing that changes when you move halfway across the world? Are you telling me that Americans are soulless people who can do whatever they want without any regard for their parents feelings? Because I'm pretty sure that's

It really wasn't good right? Ugh I was looking forward to it so much and the revival just disappointed in so many ways

I completely agree. I enjoyed the hell out of season 2 and I'm actually surprised that people didn't enjoy it. The set up it created for Season 3 was just fantastic. And also as usual the performances were great!

Don't need a revival. It ended perfectly and seeing the track record of lots of revivals today, they tend to disappoint (Gilmore Girls for me). I'd like to see the cast reunite though. Like a nice 1 hour special of them just talking and reminiscing.

I know that ultimately awards don't equal good work but I really want to see some great awards recognition for this beautiful, thought-provoking genius of a show. Especially since the last season has been nothing short of sheer perfection.