
Yeah he was by far the best part of the movie, which wasn't that great to begin with.

Right?! He was really good. Damn you Beasts.

Really funny episode!! So far I've reached 7 episodes and I like the 6th episode the best. Loved everything about Jacqueline and Titus tricking Josh Charles's character. It was hilarious. And loved loved Kimmy's college turn and her love interest is super cute and I hope he's there in the rest of the season

Nah this show without Meredith won't work. Any episode that focuses on her and her growth/development is always good. That's why Season 12 worked so well. We got to see a different side of Meredith, one that suffered so much and yet learned how to live her life well. As of now… other than Alex, Meredith is the best,

I'm angry too. I've been wanting to see a Grindelwald story on screen for a while now and Colin Farrell would've been the perfect fit. I groaned when I saw Depp. Just no.

I liked Izzie until Denny died. They turned her always-optimistic fun character into a boring one. She got worse when they decided to go for that awful George/Izzie hook up.. then it was just downhill from there. Although I did love her and Alex's relationship and hate they destroyed it.

Also is it just me or was the actress playing Minnick just terrible. This show, for all its faults has good actors but by god she was just awful.

To be fair, neither does Maggie. Or Jo. It really sucks that one of the best characters left the show because I had such a long list as to which ones should leave!

Lol that would be really funny. I'd rather see that than any Jackson/Maggie bullshit

Late response but I just finished the series and I completely agree with you about Justin. Bryce is a evil, irredeemable piece of shit that needs to be tortured the hell out when he gets thrown in prison but Justin doesn't get a pass because his home life sucked. He could've easily called for help when he knew what

It's sickening. Even if he's a troll, there is no universe in which a 20 year old girl who happened to be he daughter of a well-known director, killed herself and somehow doesn't deserve any sympathy because Roger Ailes, a known piece of shit, didn't get any. Fuck that guy

Yeah and we pick and choose that you're an asshole.

Are you seriously comparing Roger Ailes a known sexual assaulter with Synder a director who just lost his daughter via suicide? What on earth is wrong with you?

I teared up too. The loss is just unimaginable.

A young girl killed herself and your contemplating whether it's bad that you like the outcome of that? Wtf? It's just a movie

Right and a death of a 20 year old girl is something not to be respectful of because you hate a movie.

Even if this is a joke.. it's an awful one.

He really was fucking terrible in it. It made his whole 'method acting' schtick even worse. He and Cara Delevigne were far too awful in an already awful movie.

On episode 5 and so far this season is good! An improvement on season 2!

I thought that was the path on them getting back together and I thought there would some conversation regarding them but seeing how inconsistent this season has been.m, I'm not surprised