
So many characters now make Izzie look like the best character ever. And that's saying something.

Maggie and Jackson have zero chemistry. Plus it'll make Maggie annoying. Worse than the Riggs situation. It'll be awful.

I think they're endgame. I hope they don't go down the Maggie/Avery route. It'll be awful and a rehash of the worst part of this season and who wants to see that?

Yeah no. April and Jackson have great chemistry, anyone can see that. Maggie and Jackson will be repulsive. But Jackson and Webber would be great. I'd love to see that.

Yes to everything. I actually wonder what went through the writer's head when they came up with Jackson and Maggie. Like wtf? Is it their goal to make Maggie the most hated character on the show? Because they'll win that challenge soon. And you're right, the Jackson/April relationship is very popular with the fans (I

I hope they go the first route too. For a show entering its 14(!!) season, telling a complicated story and handling it with maturity and having the characters involved behave like adults is far far far more compelling than cheap love triangle drama. These people have been through too much to resort to that.

I'm going to miss Stephanie a lot. The last scene with her and Webber was amazing. I hate that she was so underutilized on the show but this was a great episode for her.

I really like Priya. She and Dev really did make a good couple.

Season 2 is just fantastic. On the 7th episode and I love the ambitious approach this season has taken. It works so well.

I'm still annoyed he won the Emmy over Rainn Wilson

This is great! Can't wait to binge watch this

Low ratings, no critical acclaim, mediocre acting…. why was this renewed again?

A lot of the times 'being guilted' is actually what's happening, maybe even sub consciously. A lot of the times, the well-meaning idea of respect gets translated into forcing children into listening and agreeing with everything regarding their parents and grandparents.

And focused on Barney and Robin's wedding the entire season only to have them divorced 20 mins into the finale. Seriously HIMYM fucked up bad.

I think it's more to do with respect than anything else. It is the respect you show to your elders like parents. That's why when his dad explained why it meant so much to his mom, it resonated very well. Indian culture is very different from western culture in this aspect. Indians are taught from birth that they need

Yes, the part where his father explains how he hurt his mom's feelings was so well done. It felt so realistic. And when you've grown up in a community where religion is such a vital aspect, it resonates so well.

I liked his performance at this year's Oscars. I liked his hosting gig during the Emmy's too. Besides we can never have enough Matt Damn fake fude jokes.

Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!

She did appear in the revival but just for one scene. I would've liked to see her in more scenes, Skokie was one of my favourite characters.

Agreed! I love his dad. He looks like he's having so much fun. His mom is wooden but I think Ansari mentioned it somewhere that she doesn't really like acting. It doesn't bother me that much because I love the fact that he cast his real life parents as his TV parents. Throughout the show though, I find the acting kind