
I'm so glad to have this show back. I've missed it.

Right? It was so hard for him to fathom that maybe Meredith might want to stay and build er own career and family in Seattle instead of going to an unknown place and starting over. And then he acts around like he's a martyr, giving up a great job for her. I'm glad everyone called him out on it though.

It's still bad taste to confuse them. Besides if you only read reviews you'd know there is a massive difference between Maggie and Stephanie.

He really was. Also an asshole when he didn't go to D.C. Both to Meredith and Amelia

Meredith and Derek were great together but you have to admit they got boring after Season 5. And Derek being an egocentric jerk to Meredith when he didn't get his way didn't help his character.

Okay Meredith/Riggs is in no way worse than Arizona/Minnick! Those two are the absolute worst. And Jo/Alex, Maggie/whoever have been far far far worse.

Sometimes he was. Other times he was a raging, egocentric asshole.

I think he had a good personality back in season 12. It was a brooding-but-sweet type but yeah this season has kind of stripped that aspect. Besides Derek's personality was bland most of the time too.

They have good chemistry imo. I like Riggs a lot and he and Meredith make a good match. And I think the General audience likes them too. Well the audience who believes that Mer should move on and not stay depressed because her husband is dead

Well it's a difference of opinions I guess because I really like them together. They have an easy chemistry.

Right? They don't look alike at all. Their personalities are also wildly different. Other than the fact that they're both black women, I can't see anyone confusing both of them.

Glad to have this show back!

Yaaaay! This show is so consistently funny with some great characters! Now Fox, renew New Girl for one last season!!

I thought he did a good job in this episode.

I agree. While I would love to see that Jo is lying, it wouldn't reflect all that well when it comes to tackling domestic abuse. But to be fair, Jo lying would be more plausible in terms of the show's continuity than anything else. Her whole ex-husband ordeal was so badly shoehorned last minute that it's be great to

Stephanie isn't Mer's sister. Thats Maggie. And there is no way you can get confused between the two because Stephanie is awesome and Maggie isn't.

Meredith and Riggs really are sweet together aren't they? I like seeing Meredith mature and happy. I'm hoping the amnesia thing is real.

I agree! She's the most Level-headed, stable character on the show and that is a such a refreshment. It'd be nice to see her back on the show later on.

Excellent episode. I didn't like the Megan reveal because of the clichèd part of it and I happened to really like the Mer/Riggs dynamic, which will be messed up, and not in a good way.
But the reveal that they guy was a rapist was brilliant. I love Stephanie and I hope that she doesn't die next week, but I agree that

I would watch the hell out of that.