
They need to renew New Girl for one last season.

Maybe so. I just think that the creators and made some poor decisions in regards to the show that didn't allow it to live up to its fullest potential.

It's not just that Rebekah was one of my favourite characters, it's that the show wa supposed to be about the Original Family. Not just Klaus and Elijah. We were supposed to see the dynamics of the family as a whole, including Bekah, Kol and Finn with flashes of Mikeal and Esther. These people have lived for 1000

I think Cami had so much potential… way more than Hayley.. and they squandered. The actress was quite good too.

I didn't like the way treated Cami and Davina though. I absolutely hated the fact that Cami, a series regular, was only construed as a device for Klaus's angst. Nothing about her story, not even her death was about her. It was about Klaus. We knew nothing about her except that she was a psychologist, had a brother and

The main problem with the Originals is the lack of Originals. Seriously, the attractive feature about this show was the dynamics between the siblings and now we're just left with Klaus and Elijah. These characters have lived for 1000+ years! There so much story to mine from there.
Rebekah leaving in season 1

This has Emily VanCamp and Matt Czuchry (I hate Logan Huntzberger but loved the guy on The Good Wife) so I hope it's good enough to watch.

Good I guess..? I haven't watched this since Season 3, mostly because I couldn't stomach watching the show anymore with its awful plot lines (B6 something) and the gross stuff between weird computer guy and newbie fixer.

Yaay iZombie (still need to catch up on it) and while I haven't watched the Originals in a while, I'm glad the show is getting one more season, that I hope it is its last to wrap things up! The show had potential that it squandered by not having all the members of the Original family on the show in the first place and

Hart of Dixie is a sweet show. Nothing groundbreaking or even addictive about it. It's just a low-stakes Gilmore Girls-esque show with some good characters. Although I couldn't even for one second buy Rachel Bilson as a doctor.

Eh I don't think the Originals is good (it peaked in season 1, before the female lead left) but I'd rather they have a last season to end the show than end on a cliffhanger. Besides if they bring over Caroline from Vampire Diaries, I might actually start watching it again.

I know MTV awards aren't exactly known to celebrate good movies/TV but nominating Pretty Little Liars?! Really? That show is just garbage. Not even fun garbage. Just awful.

I love Chris Pratt but Chris Pine is a better actor in my opinion

Uh I hope not. It would put Jo in the spotlight again and she's just the worst.

That wasn't great but she was grieving. You don't exactly expect a person to be normal while grieving. They do a lot of things that don't make sense. Even Cristina recognized that continued to support Teddy. Losing someone you love is incredibly hard, and nothing exactly makes sense.

Minnick sucks. I agree with that. But I like the others. Well except Jo. I can't stand her either. But April, Amelia, Maggie and DeLuca are decent. Especially April, who has really evolved since season 6. Yes she has moments where she can come off as incredibly grating but honestly, none of it seems out of character.

Well it did turn romantic and it was sweet. But hey, don't let your bitterness show.

Hmm I guess it's a matter of opinion because I literally couldn't stand Hahn. She had no redeemable qualities. Atleast April, Amelia, Maggie and DeLuca have their moments.

Oh yes! I kept wondering where I knew her from and her name didn't pop up on the IMDb page for this episode so I couldn't place her!

I honestly forgot that Sadie existed until she was mentioned here. All I remember from her storyline that she was a spoilt kid with very limited skills that got into a medical program because of her father.