
Pretty sure Sterling was nominated a bunch. And he's for sure getting an Emmy nom, if not a win! But I'd like to see Ron nominated too! The cast on this show is phenomenal!

Yeah they mentioned in the aftershow(the only one I've watched because this episode was magnificent) that this was shot in Memphis.

Why do you think this show is bad?

I love this show way too much. Also Emmys better show some serious love to this show. Especially the actors!

Pretty telling when the worst fucking 'news' outlet doesn't want you (Briebart is hardly considered anything resembling credible news though). Fuck that guy. Hope this is the beginning to his irrelevance.

What are you talking about? Season 5 was amazing. I've actually watched that season thrice. It's hilarious and keeps up with the rest of the season really well!

It's frustrating because Woodley is miles better as an actress than Lawrence. It's a shame she got stuck with that awful divergent franchise but I hope this show is the beginning of better projects for her, ones that showcase her talent.

Wait but where's the grade?

I mean Murphy might be better but I still don't like her. Stephanie is the best intern and it's a shame she's leaving!

Caroline's probably the worst enabler and the most judgemental when things go in a way she doesn't like. Hypocrite to the finest.

The fact that she immidiately forgave him indicates that she HAS been like that for a very long time. It's awful to watch.

Me too! I loved Caroline's transition to a vampire. It was a such a well done storyline. I even liked her relationship with Klaus. Yes I know he's a bad guy and all but she stood up to him and while their chemistry and attraction was undeniable, Caroline didn't lose her self as much as she did when she started going

Urgh Caroline is the exact example of awful treatment of female characters on TV. Spineless, running after men, pretty much existing for the fancy of men. It's gross to watch.

Stefan and Caroline getting together was just awful. I remember when they were building up to it (badly I might add) I was hoping against hope they wouldn't go down that route. They only did this shit because of some idiotic fans who were the vocal minority and pretty much forced the 'Steroline' concept on the

Well Grey's is still enjoyable. I couldn't stomach Scandal years ago. And I need to catch up on HTGAWM abut for some reason don't have the inclination too (although it is fun and way way way better than Scandal).

I hate that this show uses antagonists to cast aside all the horrendous actions commited by the protagonists. Compulsion or not, Stefan shouldn't be excused for the shit he pulled. Neither should Damon.

It's the freaking fans and reviewers who keep insisting that Mer and Alex might become a thing, I think the show is pretty dead set on them remaining BFFs.

Oh yeah completely agree on Mer/Alex. Their sibling chemistry is amazing and he understands her the best. Just like Cristina did. There is no romantic chemistry and for good reason. I don't want Alex to end up with Jo. But I miiiight be into Alex/Maggie if that were to ever happen. I mean given that Maggie doesn't

Eh I don't see Jackson being involved with anyone except April (atleast in the main cast). It's pretty heavily hinted that he's still very much into her.

Not that long tbh. I for one can't wait to see the love triangle pop up again! (Sarcasm, obviously) it will showcase the ultimate annoying Maggie