
Nah Meredith might have her annoying moments (esp in the earlier seasons) but she's quite an amazing character now. Especially after Derek's death. And no matter how annoying Mer gets, she'll never reach Maggie's level.
For me the level of annoyance is:
1) Jo: I mean it's obvious. She needs to leave, there is no other

So what's exactly wrong with this season? It seems so off and keeps putting annoying, petulant characters in the forefront. They really need to fix it!

This just makes me miss the Office way more than usual. Season 2&3 of this show was comedy gold. Nothing comes close to it. NOTHING.

Yeah I agree, we're just 14 episodes in and Kevin has already had 3 love interests. I dunno, Sophie really should write him a Dear John letter tbh

I agree with Kevin and Sophie. It shouldn't be this easy. Also their reunion doesn't feel earned because there was no indication about her in the past 13 episodes.

Kevin's storyline with Sophie doesn't click all that well. It all just feels way too contrived and when you compare that with the grounded, realistic feel of Randall's storyline (Can we give the best couple award to him and Beth? They're just fantastic! Dare I say I enjoy watching them more than Jack and Rebecca), it

Grey's isn't as good as it was in its first few seasons but these past few seasons have been killing it lately. Last season (season 12) was really really good. The popularity that Grey's has is due to a very very loyal fanbase, hence the longevity. I agree about Scandal though. It just plain sucks.

In a show that is consistent and smart with its character, she wouldn't. But we're talking about TVD here, where Caroline pretty much does every guy regardless of any shit they pull so Bonnie going back to Jeremy could happen. I hope it doesn't happen though

Team Bonnie Bennet deserves better! Seriously. She out of everyone else on this show deserves a happy ending. My hunch is that she'll end up with Jeremy now that Enzo is dead.

Irffan Khan is just fantastic in everything. One of the more brilliant actors working today

Yeah I'd like to see GOT win the ensemble award too. Whatever people might say about the show now.. the ensemble is still as strong as ever and the show wouldn't work without it!

While I agree there is a certain double standard when it comes to actors and actresses… this conversation doesn't allude to that at all. There are plenty of male actors that haven't deserved awards in the past as well. All I'm saying is that Lawrence wasn't even on the same level as her competition that year (Riva and

I didn't say she isn't a good actress. She is, but her performance wasn't the best compared to her competition. In my opinion, Jessica Chastain was miles better and deserved the award for her performance.

Agreed. That Oscar belonged to literally anyone else in that category except Lawrence.

Jo being pregnant would be awful. Alex needs to get rid of her in his life not have more complications because of her

I will always have a soft spot for Jess Mariano (that revival made me swoon over him even more) but you're right, Jack is giving Jess a run for his money. All in all Milo Ventimiglia is so good at playing guys I'd immidiately fall in love with. Just needs to get rid of the mustache.

I need to see Leighton Meester on my screen again. She's such a delight to watch. Will never understand how Blake Lively achieved more fame than her, based on talent and even charisma.

To be honest, One Tree Hill was kind of shit. Like not even enjoyable trashy shit like GG but really bad. And oh lord that acting was god awful as well. I feel like GG at least had Leighton Meester.

I agree! Leighton was the true star of the show. Even when the show was in the dumps later, she was still compelling. I honestly can't remember a significant Serena storyline on the show but can pretty much remember everything about Blair.

Which is so terrible considering what a shit man Mel Gibson is.