
True. The whole 'Hiddleswift' nonsense proved the heavy PR tactic Taylor is willing to do.

Oh I think she absolutely is. While I don't find Taylor Swift as repulsive as a lot of people do, her so called 'feminism' is very much a corporate friendly act. Money, money and even more money (Also her "girl squad" is so obviously fake)

Wait she really said that?! Good god. The amount of self-importance this woman gives to herself is astounding. Why make important issues about herself all the time?

Lol agreed. All of her competition gave better performances than she did.

Yeah I agree. Also Jess wanting to prove to Rory that he was a changed man makes it hurt more that they didn't end up together. Man did I want them together!

Agreed. She is decent but she isn't that great of an actress. I still believe that her Oscar belongs to Jessica Chastain for Zero Dark Thirty

I wanted to see another Paris/Logan showdown so much. The first one was gold.

I mean it makes sense. Promote the shit out of an awful movie so people go see it anyway. Just because of the hype.

Yeah I completely agree. It becomes an issue when writers are too stubborn to stick to their original planned ending even though it doesn't work with the progression of the show, it's characters, the time passage etc. Gilmore Girls had the same exact problem with the writers that were so stubborn that they stuck to

I agree. I mean if it was supposed to bolster Tom's popularity or celebrity status, it didn't work. I mean I love Tom Hiddleston and I think he's a great actor and has a very charming personality but engaging in this 'publicity stunt' was a mistake tbh. Luckily 2016 is too shitty and full off way bigger things so

The whole 'Hiddleswift' thing was so bizarre. It truly felt staged and was just odd.

Chyler Leigh is so so good. I remember her being this good on Grey's as well!

Huh I'm surprised that Suicide Squad didn't make the list. What a heinous piece of shit that movie was.

Rami Malek
Lauren Graham (yeah the show wasn't all that great but her performance was!)

Yes yes yes for Rami Malek. His performance never faulters and he is so incredibly compelling throughout. So glad he has an Emmy for his performance!

That would be fantastic

Uh the HIMYM finale is still the worst, after 2.5 years.

Gilmore Girls was a good revival but the off putting things were REALLY off putting: Musical, Life and Death Brigade, Logan's existence, Rory.

I wished that Lauren Graham was nominated for Gilmore Girls. While the show isn't too deserving of awards, she is!

Yes to M83's album Junk. Been listening to it on repeat for weeks now!