
They used the humanity switch again? Good god. No show has repeated a plot device so many times as TVD has. It's so tired and ridiculous.

Before Revival: 50-55% of the fan base was Team Jess. 20-25% was Team Logan and the rest were Team Dean

This is going to be my favourite movie of the year. I can't wait to watch it!

Season 12 of grey's was kind of fantastic actually. The show completely revitalized itself after Derek's death

Logan only said that once. Besides, its not like he has the best influence on her. While it is not his problem to keep her in check its very obvious that Jess is the one who always leads her on a right path. With Logan, she's willingly participating in cheating both on her boyfriend and Logan on his fiancé. I know you

Love seeing all the love for This Is Us. Seeing Parenthood being snubbed for years, it's good to see a show like that being recognized!

Uh no. Hillary Clinton is smart, driven, strong and spent 30 years of her life to prepare and dedicate herself for a job that she was more than qualified for only to lose to an orange non-qualified asshole. Rory doesn't possess any of those qualities.

Grey's is one show I need to see a happy ending for. Too much shit has gone down there and it needs to end on a happy note.

I mean Bledel isn't good but she's nowhere as awful as Mischa Barton. I cringed watching Barton on the OC.

She's fine in the first three seasons (even though there are times when she's morally questionable) but she gets much much worse later on. But nothing compares to her awful behaviour in the revival though.

Which is why she deserved more screentime. I wanted to see her juggle life with her kids, husband and her mom. How is fair that we get to see Logan so much and not Lane? Lane was with the show since the beginning and she deserved way more story than was given to her.

A random person wouldn't give two shits about her to give that advice. Lorelei never gave her that kind of advice, neither did Lane or Paris or Logan (not that I expected that punk to do anything useful anyway). Jess was. It speaks volumes to his character and his relationship with Rory.

Eh I liked his hosting gig this year at the Emmys. Either way it would be glorious to see him and Matt Damon's (fake) fued continue. It's very entertaining

I agree with your parallel to HIMYM (I also hated that finale and I always will). But Jess doesn't know Rory?! Come on. He knows her really well. He steered her into the right direction (Twice!) when no one else could. Kind of obvious what point the writers were trying to make.

Basic Consensus of the revival (from what I've read in reviews and comments and my thoughts)

Madeline and Louise were great! They were rich but all their antics were supposed to satirical. They were so much fun to watch! LDB cronies are just cringeworthy because the show isn't making fun of people like them, it is celebrating them, which doesn't fit.

The actors were great but this wasn't a Bunheads revival, it was a Gilmore Girls one. That time could've been used to spend time with characters that are loved in the Gilmore world.

Urgh the math makes the possibility more Jess hurt even more. The fact that 30 minutes were wasted on bullshit that no one wanted, instead of seeing Jess/Lane/Paris stings a lot.

Yeah I mean get ASP's dissapointment that she didn't get to finish the show on her terms but that doesn't mean you ignore events of the show you didn't helm. It's a disservice to the fans without whom she wouldn't even had the opportunity to write this revival. Without the strong cult following, this revival wouldn't

Yes to all of this. I completely agree with your analysis and hopes for the revival that weren't met. The longing look Jess gives Rory is so heartbreaking. Considering how much Jess has grown and achieved in his life, to see him still hopeless in front of Rory is painful considering how awful Rory really is.