
This analysis is so fitting and beautiful. It makes Emily's arc even more poignant than it already is.

Right? How was Jess not there? That was baffling. I would've liked to see more Jess/Rory scenes at the wedding!

I agree! Had the show treated them as they are: awful human beings with a sense of entitlement that is deeper than the ocean, then I may have tolerated them. Maybe have Luke or Jess berate them so badly.. that would've been fun to see!

I completely agree with you about the Life and Death Brigade. They're heinous pieces of shit and their glorification in the revival wasn't needed at all. The musical wasn't as repulsive as the LABD. God Logan and his cronies are the worst type of people on the show tbh. And honestly, who wanted to see them? That

Mature Jess is a very believable evolution for his character. He went through shit as a teen, and got his life together, being more stable because he's been through the bad parts and knows better now. Jess is the best thing that could happen to Rory but she isn't a good thing for him.

I agree. Being directionless in your career in your 30s is normal but by showing that Rory was somehow better than them because… she was Rory? Uh yeah not really.

Right?! I mean Lane and Paris have their own lives. I get crashing for a bit but constantly? They are your friends Rory not your butlers who you can beck and call when you need to. Rory's sense of entitlement knows no bound in this revival. I mean god I wish I was given a whole house in Maine with a full time cook and

Yeah Logan had decent development in season 7 but I personally don't like his character and what he represents: rich entitled men who can treat people the way they want because daddy has money.

Yeah it was annoying that no one gave Rory grief for her actions. If we were expected to see Rory as 'flawed', people in the show have to call her out for her actions, not treat her like a goddess. The show clearly wanted us to root for her despite her heinous actions and that is just impossible to do. Rory reached

We all have our opinions and mine is that Logan is awful. Sorry but I don't particularly like people that are in their 30s, blowing off daddy's money, cheating on their fiancé and treating their ex like a high priced call girl. To me those characters are despicable and Logan is one of them. He may have had character

I know Logan isn't a life coach but it's clear that he isn't a good influence on her. Her being with him brings out the worst in her and if she had any sense, she would've have dropped him after he cheated on her the first time.

"I want people to see that there are reasons for being opposed to gay marriage that are not rooted in bigotry or homophobia."

Thank god I wasn't the only one who hated no humanity Elena. She wasn't fun, just really annoying.

April's cool! I liked her in the revival. Without all that useless adult drama surrounding her, she's a fun character. I wanted to see her interact with Jess, seeing as they are cousins, I think they would've had fun interactions.

True. It actually hurt to see that smarmy piece of shit Logan and his rich boy antics get more screentime than Jess, Lane and Paris, especially considering that Logan isn't half as good a character than those three. I mean no offense to the actor, who I think is gorgeous and did a good job with the material given, but

I wanted Lane to tell off Rory so badly. Like what the fuck is Rory whining so much for?! All the apparent shitty stuff in her life is directly the result of her poor decision making. She has privilege and support from everyone and yet acts like someone who has nothing. Like fuck off Rory, Lane is a mother of two, not

My love for Jess remains! While I would've wanted to see way more of him than we did, I loved that all his scenes (even the ones in Fall) were impactful.
I agree with you on Logan being awful. Uh the fact that he had so much screentime is grating tbh.

How did you not mention that glorious scene where Jess tosses Luke's hat in the street?! That was hilarious and so in tune with their relationship, which like Jess was very underutilized in the revival. I could name so many things they could've gotten rid of to give Jess, Lane and Paris more screentime! Making it

True, Emily and Paris (and Jess) for the win!

Exactly, I hate the guy but he's hot enough for a one night fling.