
The anticipation is killing me even though the show is just 3 days away.

You guys are going to review these four episodes right?

I like that they are putting a wrench in Rory's career trajectory. All through 7 seasons we've seen her get into all colleges and basicallt get everything so it's nice to see this. If they put Rory with Dean (which won't happen because I think he's in just one scene) it would be character regression at its finest.


Same here. Those two had crazy chemistry. Probably the best chemistry that TVD or its spinoff ever had. And now we're stuck with Stefan and Caroline that have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever

To be fair she deserves it. Her constant need whine and groan instead of talking things out or keep secrets from her boyfriend of 4 years is very very annoying and frankly doesn't garner her that much sympathy from anyone.'

I believe it was done really really well.

Yes to all of this. DH1 is criminally underrated in term of good the movie really was. The Tale of the Three brothers was done so well. I didn't expect that.

Reason #106745 why Rickman deserved that Oscar nomination.

Harry Potter is on a much higher level in terms of popularity and critically than Twilight and Hunger Games. Harry Potter had a very consistent tone in terms of quality, while the other the two, either started off good and saw a decline is quality (Hunger Games) or was god awful to begin with (Twilight). HP will stand

Part 1 told the build up to a war story really well. The melancholy was portrayed really really well. The unsettling and scared feelings all the characters and by extension the audience were going through was conveyed well. It showed the gritty realism of uncertainty and the aftermath of a terror group (Voldemort and

Yeah I agree with you that the writing was kind of iffy. I bought his naiveté though and I think Redmayne had a hand in portraying that well.

I actually liked him in My Week with Marilyn. I thought that he gave a sincere performance. Ofcourse Michelle Williams was top notch but I genuinely think he did well in the movie.

Not nominating the Dark Knight was one of the most ridiculous snooty act the academy did tbh. Even now it is considered one of the best movies of all time. And honestly, the movie was more of psychological thriller than a superhero movie, so its lack of nomination is just mind boggling.

If I recall correctly, the Dark Knight wasn't nominated for Best Picture, although I could be wrong. Either way it deserved to win over Slumdog Millionaire.
Fury Road getting nominated was an amazing surprise. It's like the academy started dialling down their snootiness by a bit, just a bit though.

I love that Daniel, Emma and Rupert turned out to be great. Not just as actors but also as public personas. I like that none of the actors, especially the kids, from the Potter films overexpose their personal life and are constantly on the news for one mishap over another. It also helps that they have very limited

The academy can really be the worst sometimes. Their negligence of anything genre is supremely annoying because there are a few films that are truly outstanding despite them being genre or fantasy films.

Alan Rickman should've absolutely gotten the nomination for Deathly Hallows part 2. That was such a heartbreaking performance that truly transcended beautifully from book to screen. I'd say Emma Watson should've too but that would've been a long shot.

It still baffles me that the academy didn't award the Potter series for things like cinematography, visual effects.

Yeah it doesn't get the same amount of love like those franchises do but I truly believe that the Harry Potter franchise will stand the test of time for decades to come. I can still read the books and enjoy them as much as I did when I read them for the 10th time and read them the 1st time (and by saying this I am