
That's exactly what I loved about the movie too. It had a sense of gritty realism and loss of hope that made the movie very very engaging. People give the movie a lot of flak for being 'boring' but I think its one of the most fascinating and well-made movies made.

I really wish there was a prequel series with the marauders and the first wizarding world war. Both books and movies.

Other than the yelling scene in Goblet of Fire, i thought Gambon did a pretty good job of portraying Dumbledore. Especially in the sixth movie.

Daniel Radcliffe is so good. He really grew into acting and improved massively.

That and the burrow burning scene which was completely unnecessary.

This franchise truly nailed it with their casting though. From kids to adults. Also worth noting that all the kids turned out great.

I agree with your friends. While the movie in itself wasn't bad, it was quite weak when it came to adapting the important points from the book. I'd exchange Half blood prince and deathly hallows part 2 on the list in the article.

Okay but Meredith telling her kids Derek died was gut wrenching. Fabulous performance by Ellen Pompeo though.

Yeah Owen and Meredith wouldn't work because a) Cristina and b) to a lesser extent Amelia.

Maggie is really enjoyable when she's acting like an adult. When she focuses on her work and her interactions with the residents and her friends/colleagues. The boy crazy version of Maggie is very very annoying and should never be revisited again.

I agree. This season is just… boring. Last season was fantastic but this one just isn't doing it for me. No one cares about Jo, DeLuca, Leah and yet they are given a lot more screen time than necessary.
Everything about Owen and Amelia's storyline is grating. Their drama isn't something I like watching. They just got

Right? I couldn't watch this show after season 3. The show made me sick yo my stomach tbh.

Before We Go is actually a really good movie, I dunno why it was panned by critics so much. I mean it wasn't groundbreaking or revolutionary or anything but overall pretty enjoyable.

The Originals started off fine but really got bad after Rebekah left. The show just couldn't find its footing after. I will still never understand their decision to make Hayley the lead character though. Hayley is the worst character on the show along with the awful acting that comes with it and the horrible werewolf

Excited to see Deepika Padukone in this one! She's quite talented!

This show and its spin off have major issues when it comes to writing for female characters. They make most of them incredibly one dimensional and devices for the male characters angst. It's very frustrating to watch. Bonnie is the only character that is badass, smart and… human. Which means she makes mistakes and

Agreed. Also it's quite a shame that Caroline's character has been reduced to a love interest. Someone so obsessed with a boy that her character arc doesn't go beyond that. The amount of character regression Caroline has gone through is ridiculous.

Alaric was pretty cool in S1,2,3. I loved his relationship with Damon. Their friendship was the highlight of the show. Additionally his relationship with Jenna and then being a surrogate father to Elena and Jeremy was very heartwarming and gave a sense of family to the show, a grounding, which has been missing since

I cannot believe that these writers actually caved to that nonsensical fan response of 'Steroline June Wedding'. Bleh. They are just so dull. Caroline used to be my favourite. Now she's the worst written character on the show. Like you said, marriage as vampires is ridiculous, especially because Stefan is never going

You're probably right! I mean as long as it isn't Connor I don't care whose under the sheet.