
A Dragonball rpg could absolutely work, of course. And so could—at least in my mind—a DBZ rpg. The former is basically just going to iterate on the successful formula already found in the DragonQuest series, but with its own twists and mechanics. Like, you definitely have enough story and weird but cool action bits in

Leon aka Squall aka Papa

Is this Leon the dark Knight from FF2, or Leon who is really Squall?

I have to really give Felix credit, he’s made me take a second look at this game, and I’ve been hooked for most of this year! I know he’s a controversial guy, but he’s really made an impact on my life, and I bet he’ll continue to do so in the future, when a racist fan of his will scream his name before shooting to

This seems like a mildly interesting idea, but given that it replaces trophies it’s kind of lame. “Why have a bunch of intricate 3D Models of characters when you can have a bunch of existing artwork we had lying around!”  Otherwise it’s basically the event mode from previous games which is nice but I don’t care much

Super Mario Odyssey.. been playing it since April and up to 47 stars!

Meanwhile QuakeGL had a mirror that worked fine back in 1997 running on our Voodoo2s with their massive 12 megabytes of video memory.

As someone who never got into twitch and streaming and have no clue who all these people are, this whole situation, and the clip at the end in particular, just feels like grown ass men behaving like schoolkids.

The problem is not my job. The problem is job like these existing, dude.

Hhhhhh I KNOW. I pre-ordered it the moment it went up. Can’t wait.

That’s actually not an easy question to answer. I hear a lot of things that I file away in the back of my head as potential stories, and at various points those potential stories might become more or less active, depending who I’m talking to or what my workload is like on any given week.

It’s a very nostalgic map too... brings me back to the days when my 1080 couldn’t even manage a stable 60 fps on low settings.

I’m playing Mafia 3 because it is a good game. Sucks it’s getting buried in hate.

Sniper Elite III hahaha. What? So I’m cheap, whatever.