
Fuck me, I want this shit to end already. He was in Florida to campaign for his fellow pedophile/sexual predator, ffs. He’s a pathological liar who has never apologized once in his pathetic fucking life, yet he has the balls to call other people out when they make a mistake.

The White House is throwing a tantrum accusing John Lewis of not respecting the civil rights struggle he was part of, all because he doesn’t want to share a stage with a known racist, Islamophobic, misogynistic, serial sexual harasser with the maturity of a 6 year old and an ego the size of Texas.


I want to like this, and I’m glad that it’s becoming the norm to be more shade inclusive, but Kylie has a history of taking marketing ideas from women of color and then using them for her own financial gain$... like, at least say you were inspired by Rihanna’s mission, Kylie! You did the same thing by launching a

Isn’t this kid over 18? Why dent he make his own decision on whether or not to leave?

They got all the ugly from both their parents.

I want these kids to succeed in spite of their dad. But damn he is not making it easy for them.

Our boy is overplaying his hand on this one.

Thriller is pop Michael. Off the Wall is nappy hair big nose Michael. Aka Black Michael.

I generally find Selena Gomez perplexing. She has an annoyingly crappy voice, she has almost no songs that anyone would consider a “smash hit” that would be remembered by anyone other than a true fan, she’s not interesting, she’s generically attractive and seems nice, but not particularly memorable or interesting in

Maybe it’s because I’m an old, but I am constantly perplexed that Selena Gomez has the most followers on Instagram. I know she was a Disney star and she’s had a few hits, but 22 million more followers than Beyonce? H0w?

I’m more concerned with Lonzo than LiAngelo with this story. A $6MM salary probably ends up around $2MM after taxes, dues, agent fees, etc. He just dropped 12% of that income on a car for a teenager?

This isn’t about grades or sunglasses or cars second chances or even money.

Ok but everything Brother Abdul-Jabbar said is the Truth so LiAngelo and not-really-his ferarri can go away

The stealing and the driving around a car that could fund several college tuitions are disgusting.

michelle obama sure seemed to think the position had responsibilities, and i, for one, thank her for her herculean efforts.

Melania wanted to be a wealthy widow. Who would have thought that sentient oedema would live this long? I’m sure she’s never urged him to eat a salad or join he at the gym. Meanwhile, she’s keeping fit, ready to snag husband #2. I’m sure she’s pissed Trump hasn’t dropped dead of a massive coronary yet

I can never understand why he lies about things that are so blatantly false that they are debunked within about five minutes, or lies about things that he is literally on camera saying. Does he think that he has a magic weapon that erases people’s memories? And people still support him, it’s madness.

I like Miley. She’s crazy and doesn’t give a shit...