
This is why I had to give up even trying to follow what began passing as hip hop years ago. I predict the same thing that happened with jazz and then rock will happen with hip hop: White people will continue taking it over, and when I am old and wrinkled and half-deaf, young Black people will consider it “white people

For example, six workers from Kissimmee, FL, earned $42 an hour, plus overtime, while some senior power lineman earned $63 an hour. Whitefish’s contract with PREPA secured $320 an hour per worker plus an additional $80 for food.

So the 3 man energy company that has only been in business a few years, had never handled a job anywhere near this scale, and was only awarded the job by outright fraud due to it’s connections to the Secretary of the Interior, has shown that it’s unable and/or unwilling to fulfill the obligations of its contract due

The funniest or some would say the most revealing part of this whole mess is watching Trump’s base and other white people wrap their feeble brains around the fact that there is a segment of the population, educated and literate black Americans, that don’t think it is in their makeup to kiss Donald Trump’s flabby ass.

Yeah, and I’m sure someone, somewhere, would be giving these songwriters the time of the day or the royalties they accrue if no one was around to arrange, perform, produce, record, edit and mix, distribute the recordings, and then tour on the strength of them. *jerk off motion*

I’ve yet to hear any of her recent songs played on the radio.

At the risk of keeping myself grey for all eternity, Beyonce really isn’t as great as everyone thinks she is. I’m always here for POC getting their check, but she’s not the be(y)-all and end-all.

I was wondering what the hell hubz was watching yesterday as he sat on the couch holding back tears.

My fist question of many. Why is she wearing a gown at a high school gym locker room?? Also, am I delusional or does she look like Kylie k in profile?

Is auto-tune just a thing I have to put up with now, even where it’s not needed?

I fucking hate Apple.

My issue is that she should know better. Even if she didn’t, why in the hell would she post that thought as a response to a teammate that’s been sexually assaulted? It’s implying that Ali’s clothes is why she was sexually assaulted. Maybe she doesn’t need to be cancelled, but she does need to be woke the fuck up

Since when is a rapper supposed to be a role model?

How is Perez Hilton still a thing? I haven’t given this asshole a thought in ten years. Has anybody?

And if she was so bothered by it in July 2016, why are we just hearing about it now? She was a part of it and seemed to have been contemplating doing everything she could other than go public with the information. Information, by the way, that seems pretty standard.

Yeah, this really comes off as trying to advance her own brand at the cost of basically everyone she claims to be on the side of. I’ll be glad once this attention-seeking egotist has disappeared from our radar again.

the thirst is real. bless her heart.

When did this vile monster have time to produce movies?