Expensive relative to their perceived value today, not to our earnings.
Expensive relative to their perceived value today, not to our earnings.
Males are oftentimes depicted as muscle bound, aggressive jerks and/or perverted horn dogs. But why should I care? It isn’t real. Ninja and other game developers are just trying to appeal to certain groups and their visions shouldn’t be limited because of some hyper sensitive people offended by fictional, virtual…
What kind of sorcery is this!?
I’m ready. I have my Hunter’s Axe. It’s all I need. Come at me, Old Hunters.
May be I’m interested in its better resolution while still having perfect compatibility. Perhaps it’ll add servers, who knows? I’ll wait and see before I make the call. Also you’re a big jerk, which is odd as I haven’t seen one on Kotaku before. Also, I’m not a lonely white boy; try harder troll.
It’d be great if they could put up servers for online compatible PS2 games that never had a player population they deserved because of the sheer difficulty of playing online on PS2. I didn’t even know the PS2 had online functionality when I had one.
Yeah, it should be like that. If not and it’s because the emulator is demanding, it should be optimized via regular updates.
I disagree. The Silent Hill HD collection is a broken mess and changes things it didn’t need to that kills Team Silent’s vision for the games.
Both the Xbox One and Xbox 360 use similar archetecture, whereas the PS4 and PS3 are too different, or something like that. I’m no tech wizard. Sue me.
Yes. Yes. Yes and yes. I now feel better I chose the PS4 over Xbox One.
How about fixing servers for L4D2 on Xbox 360? Some time after Valve stopped their in-game announcements, the game has been plagued with server issues like extremely long loading, trouble connecting to servers in the lobby and game, disconnections, lag, etc.
Here’s hoping they bring back Resident Evil 4’s Leon. He was funny, charming, cool, and handsome.
Yes! Now Resident Evil Outbreak HD collection with online support next, please, with proximity-dependant voice chat to make it feel more like a survival horror and incourage teamwork. I loved Outbreak because it was very challenging.
I want it badly. It’s such a cool concept, but I’m waiting for a sale. Damn it Sony, have a sale for the season pass already!
Not true. Revolvers have much more damage and range, I think. A faster rate of fire and a larger magazine are kind of redundant if it can one or two shot kill.
Sounds interesting and different. Well, here’s hoping I roll a woman with giant breasts when I get to finally play it :P