
It's killing me how incurious these people are. You see a shit ton of reading material about this mysterious Dharma Initiative and you're not hauling it away, and don't seem particularly bothered when it gets blown up? What the hell is wrong with these people? Why are they such morons?

I'm watching Lost for the first time, and the one thing that keeps bothering me is the fact that everyone seems so… incurious about the island, or about the others, or about food being parachuted into the island, or the medical hatch, about who the Others are and where they came from… I mean, there's simply no

Watched one episode of this and giving up because I just don't get American teen dramas (I'm not American or even 'Western'). I've never understood this trope of the smart, intelligent, sensitive, articulate girl falling for the brainless jock. Why would she find him interesting? Why is this girl, who seems quite