
There's a special award, though, for whoever added My Own Private Idaho, as it's apparently about "Two good friends learn to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make it in the business world."

A number of the "whispered voiceover with shifting lights"-narrated lines are from Job, but calling the whole thing an adaptation is a huge leap. 'Parallels themes from' would make way more sense, so don't beat yourself up.

The return to Africa holds out some possibilities for some crazy cross-overs; all they need to do is have Sir Malcolm encounter Haggard's Ayesha, and boom, resurrection time. Sir Malcolm is basically Allan Quatermain anyway - arch imperialist, son who dies of illness following his father in the bush - and Sembene was

Daimio and Daryl deserve a cameo here. Ethan could be Daryl's great-grandfather!