
Hi Eric, I travel via auto over many states, I have 180 GB of music on my laptop, but why bother syncing playlists, constantly when all of my favorites are right there at my finger tips instead of buried in a carry bag in the trunk, or conveniently sprawled out on the front seat waiting for a hard stop to dump it on

You're incorrect. Many cities have franchise contracts with only a handful of providers to prevent just anyone from building out a wired network. For instance, Seattle franchises to Comcast and Wave. Oklahoma City franchises "cable" to Cox and AT&T.

I wonder, even though the rails are abandoned, does someone still own them? That would be interesting if you could buy a portion of it and have your own private railway.

INGREDIENTS: Water, CO2, Bear Urine, GMO "Hops," GMO "Wheat," Methanol, Beaver Anal Gland Secretions (AKA "Natural Flavors"), Racism, Sexism, Misogyny, Political Repression Abroad, Carageenan

I grew up on a farm in east central ND and then moved for about 10 years to Fargo ND. That is the closest to a city that we have in the area and it is around 200k population in the metro area. It was nice to have quick access to entertainment, restaurants, and shopping along with whatever else you might want. Does it

Buzz, your girlfriend. Woof.

showbiz2 makes one of the most important points here. I also work in tech and telecomm and can confirm this. The ISP's make bandwidth caps in order to fit as many users as possible into a pipeline. It is manufactured congestion which they bring upon themselves by squeezing more customers than they should into a

maybe they should remake Thelma and Louise together.

The way God intended.

I soak mine in a Bloody Mary.

(Overheard in the space station during CubeSat launch)

Ban Axe: It's the only way!

Aaaand it's down. If it can't survive the Gizmodo effect there's no way it would fair any better than the current one.

HAHA TAN MOM!!! thats a great costume idea. Wait is that racist since im not white?

I can do everything on the iPad 3 you can do on the iPad Mini 2.

I suggested that my granddaughters go dressed as Tea Party members so they can denounce the socialism of giving away candy to everyone just because they showed up and demanding a free market Halloween solution that denies everyone any candy unless they already have candy, in which case they can keep it. Those without

I'll lead with the obvious...

I can't give you citations to specific cases or anything, but I can tell you what the general principles are. The Quakers are pacifists, so the Supreme Court says we can't draft them into military service, as it would violate their right to exercise their religion freely. But Quakers still have to pay their income

they know more on it.