
they know more on it.

I'm also a lawyer and can't do it either. I listened to the oral args on prop 8 and the DOMA cases and still just don't "get" those arguments. They seemed so blatantly unconstitutional, it felt farcical.

On this, I don't understand any argument Hobby Lobby could have. They pay their employees money. Employees can go

Not prepared to do all the research associated with corporate religious rights, but I can tell you that the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected this bulls hit two days ago. They concluded that for profit corporations do not have religious rights and cannot impose this belief on their employees. Exempted

I'm a lawyer and I can't give you the unbiased explanation you're asking for because I'm not caught up on the various legal principles that would apply, but I can simplify it for you: religiously motivated idiocy and misogyny vs. facts and logic. Which one will win, I'm not sure.

That beach is stunning! (And so is your wife!)

Good on you man. Hope I find a gentleman like you soon.

If we start paying interns, we might *gasp* have to pay our employees more for their valuable experience! THIS WILL NOT STAND IN CAPITALISM!

I love when people get it! I'm fuming at this article. Thank god for the readers comments

I had to use it three years ago and it was $70 from my local reproductive clinic. The guy I was dating at the time didn't even offer to pay half. That's when I knew he was a keeper.

Thank you for saving him. I adopted my first cat a week ago from a shelter. Unlike Fred, it was obvious my cat was very loved-she's fixed and her front claws are removed. She's six, and scared and sweet. On her owner surrender card the reason for the surrender was landlord. I love her, and I can't wait to adopt my

Oh my goodness so sweet! Thank you for saving a life!!!!!

Welcome home, Fred! Many years of happiness to you and your adorable new family member.

I adopted my dog from a shelter 2.5 years ago, and I still remember the day, a couple months after we'd had him, when my husband took him for a walk. They hadn't been gone long, and I was standing outside waiting, and when they were about 50 feet away, my husband took the dog off the leash and he ran straight for me!

You shouldn't. She's the brunette GOOP but I don't think she will be winning any Oscars. Entirely irrelevant.

I've really enjoyed it! I found it to be pretty consistently adorable.

Dude, fucking Kickstarter that shit pronto.

Yeah, I'm sure Lindy can sigh in relief, now.

Is that really your comeback? Jesus Christ, how old are you!? The "lol" school of retorts really stops being effective past middle school.

Awww, did I get to you? Poor thing. You'll get over it, though.

Someone doesn't know what a "harpy" is. Education fail. :(