
Well, as of now you can. I’d caveat your comment, because if this keeps going on, then expect federal level union killing in mass.

oh I know.

Huh. If this thing had a 16:9 screen, larger than 4.5 (say, 5.5) , i’d jump on it.

What man, or woman, would want to do a threesome with god. Assume God is a he, what guy is going to want to go up against a dude that can give your partner 12 orgasms (settle down) in 10 seconds? None, that’s who. And if God is a she, what woman is going to want to have that with another one who can give the guy even

How would that even work?

Rando FB Message: “Hey Mr Such and Such, this is a Rich Person, and I would like to come over to your house for dinner.”
Husband: “ Why is some rich asshole named Mark trying to have dinner with you? Or is this a Nigerian scam?”
Wife: Slamming the laptop shut “WHY ARE YOU READING MY MESSAGES

You want a good one via Mom?

She is currently an apple user after years of pissing everyone off by simply not getting that Windows does NOT turn on her tv for her. That was always the problem, she read something somewhere that said windows could do XYZ. So she believed it. AND she got PISSED when it couldn’t do it.


If it helps, I dropped this grenade without thinking about it very much, other than I think it is deplorable (as in a basket) for a person with a voice (Like a blog, or Howard Stern) to advocate for bricking other people’s electronics.

I should have thought more about it, but just to be clear.......I agree people

Oh I know. I’m not even close to right. GIZMODO, of all places, is also wrong to suggest this is a-ok. Fuck them for supporting it.

YES, I get it, this is on the manufacturers. Articles like this though? It’s not a lot different than places like Breitbard egging on racists. Not a great corollary, but you get my point.

hahahahahaha, out of all of them, you win.

Oh, I know I was horribly wrong in my perspective. On the other hand, websites arbitrarily deciding who’s device can do what really chaps my ass. It’s my piece of shit. If I don’t want to secure it, it’s on me.

Let me put it this way, Gizmodo has now published an article supporting what this guy does.

Cheering him on. Encouraging him. Stating quite clearly that GIZMODO supports this effort.

Now, while I am not an ambulance chaser, i’m willing to bet I can find one if one of my IoT devices is suddenly bricked. I can then

It’s funny, but for a guy who is so incredibly AGAINST any favoritism for minorities.......well, it’s a safe bet he would be the first one screaming racial intolerance if he was brought up on charges.

Huh, by searching directly instead of the link, I see it for $30 instead of $31.

Is that why Giz does it? for that extra buck?

Huh, by searching directly instead of the link, I see it for $30 instead of $31.

Is that why Giz does it? for that

If that thing did 18650's as well, it’d sell a shitton, but then, dealing with rolling around 18650's can equal boom, so there is that.

BUT, I came here to find out what the fuck a Mr Bucket was. OMFG. I’m not sure whether I want to repaint that face into a butt so it looks like he’s pooping, OR, if I should be

If that thing did 18650's as well, it’d sell a shitton, but then, dealing with rolling around 18650's can equal

In a world filled to the brim with absurdity, it is remarkable that we’re somehow still talking about Rachel Dolezal

Also.....I really miss the virtual card numbers I got from paypal. I’m more than sure it’s saved me from a few problem sites.

I actually tried to find who still did this not too long ago, and couldn’t find anyone. I was in a hurry, so didn’t waste a lot of time looking since it seemed clear it wasn’t a “thing” anymore.

You’re way the fuck over thinking this.

shout out!

While it’s not quite that simple for Tech to recover from lost tech workers, it is possible.

However, the abuse is rampant, see it every day. Companies claim they can’t hire americans, but on the other hand, they also don’t go out of their way to try if they can bypass and get an H1-B.


Any droid can speak it, with enough programming. The ability to understand it is what is needed.

And I quote:

Same here, although spread a bit more out over the last few years, with family being the absolute hardest for the wife. My family is small, basicaly mom, dad, brother, and that’s it. With only my mom being negative. I stopped contact with her for about a year, then sat down with her and explained EXACTLY why. I didn’t