In a world filled to the brim with absurdity, it is remarkable that we’re somehow still talking about Rachel Dolezal
In a world filled to the brim with absurdity, it is remarkable that we’re somehow still talking about Rachel Dolezal
While it’s not quite that simple for Tech to recover from lost tech workers, it is possible.
However, the abuse is rampant, see it every day. Companies claim they can’t hire americans, but on the other hand, they also don’t go out of their way to try if they can bypass and get an H1-B.
Same here, although spread a bit more out over the last few years, with family being the absolute hardest for the wife. My family is small, basicaly mom, dad, brother, and that’s it. With only my mom being negative. I stopped contact with her for about a year, then sat down with her and explained EXACTLY why. I didn’t…
Second this comment: “No one enjoy’s being around someone who is habitually negative.”
The ones being negative seldom, if ever, recognize it. Even if told “hey, you’re being really negative.” the response is ALWAYS “I’m not negative, i’m realistic.”
No, they aren’t realistic, because they only accept the worst as life.…
I was a “realist” and still fall back on it from time to time. It’s has taken about 3 years to turn my “realistic” attitude around, but has also made my life soooooo much better.
I used to be someone who was really real, as in, “why play the lottery, they take half in taxes?”. World is doomed, everything sucks, my…
I will never understand religion. I mean seriously, zombies “aren’t real”, but it’s perfectly fine to believe a guy rose from the dead after being crucified, and we celebrate that by searching for colored eggs shit by a bunny.
There are upsides and downsides to being someone who never had to read the fictional bible,…
To give you an idea of how this will fare for fans running to the box office:
FMA, GITS, and DBZ means absolutely not a fucking thing to me. Probably a fuck ton of other people as well. I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say they will do as well as Ghost when they open.
i’m sure whatever these are are great in…
Good. As a Dem, i’m tired of losing elections, and continuing the Clinton Dynasty is a major reason why we keep losing.
Your sample size is too small. I’m guessing it may be you, and the one person you asked. The rest of us don’t give shit.
slow motherfucking clap clap clap
Anyone used these?
I’d seriously like to do about 10 of these around the house, but so far, in nearly every review of every one on amazon, folks say the ports tend to die. That seems to be across all brands. (Which I assume means relabeling)
So, thoughts for those that have had them for awhile?
EDIT: Sorry, didn’t mean…
Anyone used these?
I’d seriously like to do about 10 of these around the house, but so far, in nearly every review…
This would be much better with a “Which would you prefer?” above each question. I confuse easily when neither are choices I want.
That being said, last question: FUCK, let me go to bed early. I like that the kids are in bed by 7.30, with the wife and I right behind them at 8. Sure, the wife and I may not go to sleep…
I’m in farm country. To the farmers, it’s EXACTLY like mafia protection.
Can confirm. Live smack in the middle of corn and soybeans, and farmers don’t put up with ANYTHING that slows them down. Especially some uppity company that wants to lock them out of their tractors, which they bought.
While I disagree with a lot of farming bullshit, i’m enjoying watching this unfold, because they…
The worst is essential oils. A bigger scam I have not seen. For example, the 1/3rd ounce of peppermint oil that was going for $50 from Young Living. Oh my fucking god are people stupid.
You know what is in the that bottle of peppermint oil @1/3rd ounce for $50? The exact same shit that is in the 4 ounce bottle of…
Without reading the details, but just going on the premise itself: This seems like a good idea. (Grain of salt ahead, payoff at the end. apologies in advance for triggers, so beware)
The patient can still go get their abortion, as is legal, in the EXACT SAME WAYS AND METHODS USED TODAY.
The “NEW” patient can then be…
Oh, I think you’re giving them too much leeway.
This IS the party of kick the can down the road. They fully well know, at least those with more than a passing familiarity with cause and effect, what the long term problems will be.
But, they simply don’t give a shit. Let’s be honest, this is THE party of kick the can.…
Why do you think they want to get rid of it? Same as mental health itself. We have both a very large opiate problem, coupled with a general, large scale depression and related issues. Treating all that is a large cost, and getting rid of it means A) The cost isn’t a factor in the new health law, and B) They simply do…
I have the “luxury” of being rural, with a decent amount of space. 4 dogs, 2 pure inside cats, 2 in/out cats. PLENTY of outside cats and other critters.
Awesome is one way to put it. Perpetual rug doctor rentals is another. It’s like some god-awful chain reaction when one dog decides they can’t hold it anymore.
I have the “luxury” of being rural, with a decent amount of space. 4 dogs, 2 pure inside cats, 2 in/out cats. PLENTY…
My loafer was free. Also, these aren’t proven to do shit. PROVEN. It’s all hype.
My loafer was free. Also, these aren’t proven to do shit. PROVEN. It’s all hype.