
It would appear that we have different ideas on what those people do with evidence or bodies, or, for that matter, where crimes get committed. That’s okay, I highly doubt we tromp the same grounds.

The worst is essential oils. A bigger scam I have not seen. For example, the 1/3rd ounce of peppermint oil that was going for $50 from Young Living. Oh my fucking god are people stupid.

You know what is in the that bottle of peppermint oil @1/3rd ounce for $50? The exact same shit that is in the 4 ounce bottle of

You would make a shitty detective, just sayin’. If you would look around at the crime scene, you would clearly see it’s outside, in a camp. Even Vorhees was in a camp.

So, um scooby, anything else in those snacks?

Slasher movies have always bothered me because it seems like they are sloppy and lazy. I mean, why are you chopping an arm off if you have other victims to get to? Go for the throat, move on. You got shit to do man.

Simple process of elimination would tell you who could be left out of a camping party to make such a statement.

Also, there is a scooby skull in the ashes, and a few boxes of empty snacks. Again though, i’m full and still talking about it.

An actual Serial Killer might.

It’s all fun and games when you are scaring your friends around a fire....that is, until one of them points out the chicken bones for what they are and adds you and your friends to the pile.

“Alexa, play Jazz.” “Alexa, turn up.”

Don’t need a glorified light switch.

Nope, certainly not for me. I’m just one of those assholes that likes to point out flaws. Not particularly proud of it, but, i’m also not the only one. I’m even willing to bet most on Giz have done the same.

But no, this is just one of those things to me that is really just extra un-needed non-sense.

Don’t have a Harmony, don’t want random buttons on tables. That’s what walls are for.

“Alexa, play Jazz”. Don’t even have a need for a button to turn on music I like.

Yes, I VERY much get everyone has differences in what they do, and how they operate things. For me, in my opinion, for my uses, this is stupid.

In my

Yeah, i’m trying to figure out what I gain with this, and the only thing I can come up with is a “Different style light switch”, and “a switch that can do the same thing as the app on my phone, but it’s different so progress is good, even though I am on the couch with my phone, but want to turn on the sonos so let me

My gosh. Well, someday, you’ll look back, maybe even in those dark hours tonight when you are alone in the dark, masturbating.

As you squirt that sad dribble, so watery, into your eye, you will cry a little. A sad tear, from a sad boy, who understands he is alone, craves friends, and yet can’t stop being one of “those

Without reading the details, but just going on the premise itself: This seems like a good idea. (Grain of salt ahead, payoff at the end. apologies in advance for triggers, so beware)

The patient can still go get their abortion, as is legal, in the EXACT SAME WAYS AND METHODS USED TODAY.

The “NEW” patient can then be

Please point out where I stated that specifically, dumb ass.

Allow me to be clear: It is PAINFULLY obvious you are a troll. It is even MORE obvious, you are a moron. Congrats on having the market cornered. Feel free to reply, the rest of us see quite clearly you are a very small man, with a very small penis, and

I’ll vouch for Google Domains. Easiest process out of all of them, and you don’t feel like there is a layer of slime over your screen when ordering through GoDaddy.

Or really, any of the others. I used to do domain flips and websites a lot, and I never really liked any registrar. A few years ago I stopped but kept a

No thanks, but feel free to go fuck yourself.

Why are you even on a site that historically backs liberal ideals and rails against the failed Reagan policies? To me, you are just a troll looking to stir shit.

You have exactly zero idea how the economy works. None. It doesn’t matter how you respond, it’s pretty clear you

I fucking hate this GOP “teen job only” bullshit line. It’s completely asinine, ESPECIALLY THESE DAYS, to say only teens should work there, and everyone else just needs to get better jobs.

I’m willing to bet a ton of money you have never been laid off when there were no other decent jobs in your field and been forced

Oh, I think you’re giving them too much leeway.

This IS the party of kick the can down the road. They fully well know, at least those with more than a passing familiarity with cause and effect, what the long term problems will be.

But, they simply don’t give a shit. Let’s be honest, this is THE party of kick the can.

Why do you think they want to get rid of it? Same as mental health itself. We have both a very large opiate problem, coupled with a general, large scale depression and related issues. Treating all that is a large cost, and getting rid of it means A) The cost isn’t a factor in the new health law, and B) They simply do

Yes, making a guy who killed young children ALSO kill people on a beach would just be going way too far......

Well, they could put it in a large metal barrel and burn it to ashes. Film it while it’s being done, and release that footage in the same DVD cases.

The film would instantly be about 10000000% better.