
It’s because they are GOP morons. Ironically, since they obviously have free time during the day, could even be on the government food stamps and welfare, but will still vote GOP to get them defunded. I honestly can’t see how anyone making less than 250K would vote republican. The only logical conclusion is they are

That’s sweet and all, in fact, gave me the feels. BUT, that is a bassett hound. I have one. Dumbest of the dumb dogs, they follow their nose, no matter where it takes them. They have zero sense of direction, and can get lost 100 ft from their homes.

Upvoted because Iowa is awesome. Too bad we can’t export Steve King to Missouri. Yet another reason we drink early and hard. Basically, Steve King and Terry Braindead have made everyone here alcoholics.

As an Iowan, living here, I can assure you that 7 PM is a LATE start around here. For those that have to work until 5 PM, it is always a race to make sure you are hammered by 7 PM. If you actually get done with work, or classes, earlier, then you are a legend and must not only get wasted, but you must simultaneously

I don’t watch a lot of tv, but I do have Sirius in the car. I switch back and forth between CNN, NPR, and FoxNews. I spend a LOT of time talking back to the radio when Fox is on. Some wonder how I can listen to all three. The answer is simple: know what your enemy is doing. Granted, the enemies on Fox are always doing

2 fucking days in a row I missed the opportunity. Congrats on winning the internet today. Fucker.

I’m not going to look at her FB, but I sure as help someone asked her if the same thing would have happened if the kid wasn’t brown.

Yes, and downgrading as well, now back to latest. In all honesty, I have had this problem for quite awhile, and no idea what is causing it. It doesn’t happen at specific times, or often, maybe 1-3 times a day. Nothing seems to be in line to cause problems, even did a brand new line from modem to dmarc. Considering no

Yes, and downgrading as well, now back to latest. In all honesty, I have had this problem for quite awhile, and no

Ive’ got the TP Link router, not sure if I like it or not. It doesn’t get very granular to see which system is going to what sites, and it really is kind of hard to identify individual devices. I’m not a tinkerer, so haven’t put on after-market software, and don’t plan to.

that being said, I have a weird problem, maybe

Ive’ got the TP Link router, not sure if I like it or not. It doesn’t get very granular to see which system is going

If by them, you meant him, then I agree. I also agree that if I was relatively trim, with long dark hair and a beard, I would move right into a Christian college town, bang as many as I could (male or female), tell them what Christ really taught, and convert them to being in support of abortion, higher minimum wage,

Screw that. I’m 5’10”, and the wife is 6’. I don’t compensate for my shortness, I own that mother fucker. Toss on she is a 6’ redhead, and I hit the fucking lottery. I don’t need to overcompensate, I just wait for guys to look at her, then look at me. And I wink and say “Yeah, buddy, she’s fucking me.” and she then

I still don’t believe that this isn’t in Florida.

I live in a rather religious county, of about 12K. There are actually a surprising number of “gays”, and they are pretty open and would definitely raise a stink and make an example if this was going on here.

Heck, there is also a surprising number of guys around here who simply don’t even realize that they are gay,

Her name is still on the licenses. The legislature would have to have that special session to change it, and that isn’t happening. I am willing to bet she will be back in jail very soon.

She is a self-righteous christian blabbermouth homophobe. The second she walks into that office, the “free flow” of LGBT licenses will stop and she will do it again. Then back to jail.

Rob Ford wasn’t troubling, he was perfect.

Your friend is lost. That rabbit hole doesn’t have an exit. Cut your losses. Your other option is to ask her if she would stand up for a Muslim in office that won’t issue drivers licenses to women. I’m willing to bet your friend will say “that’s different”, but it isn’t. Be honest with yourself, is it even worth the

Agree completely. Open and upfront communication is required. If it isn’t there, you shouldn’t be humping anything.

I completely agree. However, where I don’t agree is that if one side is fully onboard with dry-humping, and the other is not even aware that is a thing. Communication between both partners is the key to any relationship. If you don’t communicate your desires and desired outcomes with your partner, you end up with

My point is only that BOTH partners are fully agreed to the dry-humping. That’s it. Not whether or not they can give each other handies. That’s a Bill Clinton semantics issue. As long as both agree, then their is no argument. The problem stems, in my opinion, when only 1 partner is aware of the upcoming “only