For those who don’t know, the Serial Number is typically etched on the bottom bracket (where the cranks are). You have to turn the bike over to find it.
For those who don’t know, the Serial Number is typically etched on the bottom bracket (where the cranks are). You have to turn the bike over to find it.
Can somebody, with better photoshop skills than myself, combine the Juke's ugly front end with the Pontiac Aztecs rear end and show the world what true design gone wrong looks like?
Ummm....Rotnei Clarke was not shutdown by Oladipo. Rotnei had 19 points, 2 points over his season average. I won't deny that Victor is a good on ball defender, but the only team to shut Rotnei down this season was Dayton, and well, they had to resort to underhanded tactics.
Joe Biden actually turns 70 today.
Hard to argue with 91 wins, nearly twice as many as second place.
As an Indianapolis native, I have really only ever followed IndyCar racing. I grew up about 0.5 miles from the track. I was raised to be a fan of Penske, which meant I despised the rise of the Target/Ganassi team.
My math prof always wanted an Infiniti (no specific model) with a vanity plate that read "NO LIMIT" (calculus joke for those who have forgotten their college math class).
I have a loan with capitalized interest from when I was in school. Now that I am out and paying on this loan, I can't quite figure out how this interest is factored into my monthly payment. Was this amount just added into my premium?
I have a loan with capitalized interest that acrued while I was in college. Could you explain how this is calculated into my monthly payment now that I am out and paying on this loan.
I have a loan that has capitalized interest. Can you explain this? Was the interest added into the premium once I graduated and started paying on the loan (so my interest is technically acruing interest)?
"Can you hold my beer while I get my license out?"
Sorry, but invite is also a noun. Merriam-Webster lists it's first known usage as a noun around 1659.
This kid is just awesome.
I built something similar to this in my new home. Got the plans from Lowes Creative Designs magazine...
Saw a Ford Explorer with the plate "DORA THE" on Monday this week. Made me laugh.
As a triathlete, it is illegal to compete with music, so I have slowly trained myself away from it. Now I feel that music is more of a distraction, I don't run as well because I am focused more on it than on the run.
Currently watching Food Network on phone and its about 30 seconds behind my it is working
Every major holiday while growing up, my family would make homemade bread and homemade butter (shake cream in a Ball jar) for the family dinner.
The chefs at Alinea, widely considered the greatest restaurant in the country if not one of the greatest in the world, uses induction cooktops. Though they only use the single burner models.
1: 1600x1200 (20")